Conference Registration
Full Event - $350
Tuesday Night Social + Luncheon/Giant Vision Awards Ceremony - $130
Luncheon/Giant Vision Awards Ceremony Only (Wednesday, February 26 at 12:00 PM) - $65
GOED Banquet Only (Wednesday, February 26 at 5:30 PM) - $65
Luncheon (Wednesday, February 26 at 12:00 PM) and GOED Banquet (Wednesday, February 26 at 5:30 PM) - $130
*Required Fields
*Please select from the following attendee categories:  
*First Name: *Last Name:
*Address: *City:
*State: *Zip Code:
Telephone: ()- Fax: ()-
*Email Address:
*Please join us for a social from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm on Tuesday, February 25 at the Ramkota Convention Center.

Please click all that apply:

Yes, I plan to attend the Luncheon / Awards Ceremony
Dietary request; specify:
Please list any onsite assistance or needs required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (accessibility assistance, interpreter services for the hearing impaired, assistance for the visually impaired or other needs):
Payment Type:
Total Due:
Please send checks to: 711 E Wells Ave Pierre, SD 57501 Please make checks payable to: Governor's Office of Economic Development
In case of cancellation, one-half of your conference registration fee can be refunded with written request to the GOED by February 11, 2025.

In the event of a weather cancellation, one-half of the registration fee will be refunded.

The 2025 Governor's Conference on Economic Development will be held in a physically accessible facility. Please notify the Governor's Office of Economic Development within 48 hours of the event if you have special needs.
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