Joan Adam, Interim Secretary of Health

Birth Record Search Site
For South Dakota Birth Records
With Birth Dates Over 100 Years

Welcome to the State Of South Dakota Birth Record Search Page. This site contains information from birth records with birth dates of over 100 years of age as required by South Dakota Codified Law 34-25-8. At this time this site contains 435,652records.

South Dakota's Vital Records System was started in July of 1905. Individuals who were born before its inception were given the opportunity to file their records after 1905. Although many records from the 1800s and early 1900s have been filed throughout the years, the records before 1905 are not complete. This site contains all of the birth records the Department of Health has on file with dates of birth over 100 years of age. If you do not locate the record on the site, we are sorry, a record has never been filed with our office.

The site allows you to conduct a search of records listed on the data base by any of the fields listed below. You do not have to fill out every field, however, your search will become more specific the more fields that you complete. For example if you want to search for all birth records of individuals who have the last name of Johnson, enter Johnson in the last name field. However if you want to search for a certain individual with the last name of Johnson, complete as many fields as you can. If you do not know the birth date, or the month, day, or year of the birth date, leave it completely blank or leave the month, day or year blank.

When you have completed the search information, begin the search by hitting the search button on the bottom of the screen.

BirthDate: Family Tree Magazine Best State Website 2014 Badge
First Name:
Last Name:
Mother's Maiden Name:
Mother's First Name:
Father's Last Name:
Father's First Name:
State File Number:
(number, no letters)