Submit a Complaint

Please provide as much information as possible to assist in determining if a child care center, a family day care provider, or an informal child care provider is operating outside the licensing regulations. If you would prefer to talk to someone about this information, please 1-800-227-3020 between . If this is a concern of child abuse or neglect, please call at 1-877-244-0864.

NOTE: Child Care Services will need to have enough details about the situation to determine if this provider or program is operating outside the licensing requirements. When providing details about your concern, think in terms of sharing:

-- Who did something wrong, who is involved (name of child care provider, or names of child or children, etc.);
-- What happened to a child or children; be specific about what occurred.
-- Where did this happen (at the day care, a park, in what specific classroom, etc.);
-- When did this happen (date, time of day, during nap time or lunch time, etc.);
-- Describe in detail how it happened and how you found out about this issue.
How do you know the day care provider involved in your concern?

Taking the time to tell us your concerns is very much appreciated. The name of the person making a complaint is not shared by Child Care Services staff with the child care provider when addressing the complaint. If the provider attempts to guess who made a complaint, CCS staff do not confirm or deny who made the complaint. If there is not enough information provided on this complaint form, we may not be able to address your concerns. For purposes of obtaining more information or clarifying the details you have submitted, please list your contact information below: