In order to meet your responsibility of reporting abuse or neglect, you
may be asking, “What does child abuse and neglect look like?”
The definitions of these four categories, including a brief summary of
indicators to explain the definition, are listed below. Please keep in
mind, none of the indicators alone are definitive of child abuse. It is
necessary to look at the family’s total functioning to determine if
safety concerns exist within the family unit.
It is important to note, for purposes of this training, the terminology
“parent, guardian, or custodian” is used in defining the four categories.
Mandatory reporters are required to report any child abuse or neglect,
no matter what relationship the person has with the child. For example,
say a school teacher suspects a local community soccer coach is using
physical punishment with the child participants. The coach is not a
parent, guardian, or custodian to the child; however, the mandatory
reporter is required to report.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse refers to an action of the parent, guardian or custodian
that is non-accidental and results in physical injuries, often occurring
in the name of discipline or punishment.
Bruises and Welts
- On face, lips, mouth
- On torso, back, buttocks, thighs
- In various stages of healing
- Clustered, forming regular pattern
- Reflecting shape of article used to inflict; electric cord or belt buckle
- On several different surface areas; regularly appear after absence, weekend or vacation
- Subdural hemorrhage or hematomas
- Internal injuries
- Brain damage
- Cigar, cigarette burns, especially on soles, palms, back or buttocks
- Immersion burns; sock-like, glove-like, doughnut shaped on buttocks or genitalia, patterned like electric burner, iron
- Rope burns on arms, legs, neck or torso
- To skull, nose, facial structure in various stages of healing
- Multiple or spiral fractures
- Bone fracture - unexplained and in various stages of healing
Lacerations or Abrasions
- To mouth, lips, gums, eyes
- To external genitalia
Behavioral Indicators
- Behavioral extremes; aggressiveness or withdrawal
- Frightened of parents
- Afraid to go home
- Reports injury
Examples of physical abuse could include, but are not limited to:
- Hitting
- Kicking
- Slapping
- Shaking
- Burning
- Pinching
- Hair pulling
- Biting
- Choking
- Throwing
- Shoving
- Whipping
- Paddling
- Multiple injuries
Physical Neglect
Physical neglect occurs when a parent, guardian or custodian
fails to provide for a child’s basic needs, like food, clothing,
shelter, education, medical care or supervision and abandonment.
The failure to meet basic needs must represent a threat to the
child’s immediate health and safety or an impending danger if
there is a pattern or history of the child’s needs not being met.
Physical Indicators
The child is malnourished, emaciated, is always hungry or
begging for food, or is seldom fed nutritious food. A
medical diagnosis is usually necessary to determine
The caretakers fail to provide a home or the home is in a
condition that presents a health hazard or dangers such
as fire.
The caretakers refuse to permit a child to attend school.
Truancy alone does not constitute child abuse or neglect
but may be an indication when considered with other
family factors.
The caretakers fail to seek medical or dental treatment
for a health problem or condition that, if untreated,
could represent a danger to the child.
The caretakers fail to provide supervision of a child.
The child’s age and competence, amount of time left
unsupervised, time of day the child is unsupervised,
and degree of parental planning for the unsupervised
period must be considered. Community standards need
to be considered when making judgments concerning
lack of supervision.
The child is abandoned. Abandonment is a legal term
meaning contact with the child has not been attempted
by the caretaker for an extended period of time.
Emotional Maltreatment
Emotional maltreatment occurs when a parent, guardian or
custodian fails to provide the emotional nurturing needed
for a child’s psychological growth and development, or
willfully denies the child the emotional stability
necessary for proper psychological growth and development.
Emotional maltreatment results in an observable or
measurable impairment of the child.
Physical Indicators
Failure to thrive is diagnosed. The child does not
gain weight or meet developmental norms, despite
adequate feedings and absence of physiological causes.
Failure to thrive is caused by failure to emotionally
nurture, cuddle and hold the child, such as leaving
the child in a crib all day. The clearest indicator
of failure to thrive is the placement of a child in
another environment, where the child dramatically
gains weight and thrives.
The caretaker verbally abuses the child, such as
constant harassment, belittling, humiliation,
repeated threats or constant criticism.
The caretaker condones, suggests or encourages the
child to commit theft or prostitution.
The child is ignored or isolated by parents
physically and emotionally for long periods of time.
An example includes a child who is sent to an empty
room for hours or days to be isolated from the rest
of the family.
The child is placed in a position of acting as a
parent to an extremely needs or inadequate parent.
Examples of emotional maltreatment could include, but are not limited to:
- Yelling
- Screaming
- Name-calling
- Shaming
- Belittling
- Negative comparisons to others
- Telling the child they are “bad, no good, worthless” etc.
- Ignoring or rejecting
- Bizarre discipline
- Targeting one child
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse and exploitation occurs when a parent, guardian
or custodian commits, or allows contacts or interactions
between a child and adult, where the child is used for the
sexual stimulation of the parent, guardian, caretaker, or
other responsible person. Sexual abuse may also be committed
by a person under the age of 18, when that person is
significantly older than the victim, or in a position of
power and control over the child.
Physical Indicators
- Difficulty walking or sitting
- Pain or itching in genital area
- Bruises or bleeding in external genitalia, vaginal or anal areas
- Venereal disease, especially in pre-teens
- Pregnancy
Behavioral Indicators
- Unwilling to change for gym or participate in physical education class
- Withdrawal, fantasy or bizarre, sophisticated or unusual sexual behavior or knowledge
- Poor peer relationships
- Delinquent or runaway behavior
- Reports sexual assault by caretaker
Human Trafficking
There are two types of human trafficking.
Sex Trafficking: Sex trafficking is when a commercial sex
act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which
the person induced to perform such an act has not attained
18 years of age.
Labor Trafficking: The recruitment, harboring,
transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for
labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or
coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary
servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.
The presence of the indicators noted below does not
definitively mean the child is a trafficking victim.
These indicators serve as clues to be assessed within
the broader context of all information presented.
Look for the possible sex trafficking indicators
and red flags noted below:
Behavioral Indicators
- Chronic runaway/homeless youth
- Children with history of abuse, including substance abuse
- Children with history of placement, both in the foster care and/or juvenile justice system
- Excess amount of cash in their possession (may be reluctant to explain its source)
- Hotel keys and key cards
- Lying about age/false ID
- Inconsistencies when describing and recounting events
- Secrecy concerning their whereabouts and who they are associating with
- Staying out excessively late, unexplained absences from home, running away
- Withdrawal from family and former friends
- Unable or unwilling to give local address or information about parent(s)/guardian
- Associating with an older crowd, especially older men
- Presence or fear of another person (often an older male or boyfriend who seems controlling)
- Sexual activity with older men
- High number of reported sexual partners at a young age
- Sexually explicit profiles on social networking sites
- Injuries/signs of physical abuse (they may be reluctant to explain)
- Inability or fear of social interaction
- Demeanor exhibiting fear, anxiety, depression, submissiveness, tenseness, nervousness
- A sudden deterioration of performance in school or dropping out
- Is not enrolled in school or is repeatedly absent from school
- Does not consider self a victim
- Loyalty or positive feelings toward pimp/trafficker
- May try to protect pimp/trafficker from authorities
Examples of sexual abuse could include, but are not limited to:
- Fondling
- Penetration
- Intercourse
- Oral sex
- Showing pornography
- Exposing one’s self to a child
- Voyeurism
- Forced observation of sexual acts
- Child prostitution
- Having a child engage in sexual behavior