Only a resident who was not issued an elk license from the current regular elk drawing may register for an elk depredation hunt.
To apply for this hunt, a person must:
Actually live within and be a bona fide South Dakota resident for at least 90 days with the intent to make it home.
Have a South Dakota driver license or expiration dated
South Dakota state ID.
Have his/her motor vehicles registered in South Dakota.
Make no claim of residency or resident privileges in any other state.
The following persons are eligible for resident licenses:
Nonresident minors under age 18 who are the legal dependent of a South Dakota resident.
Military personnel (and spouse and dependent children under age 18) who enter active full-time military service from South Dakota
and retain resident privileges while in active military service by maintaining South Dakota as “Home of Record.”
The following persons are entitled to resident licenses without the above
requirements if they have resided in the state for 30 days immediately before
buying or applying for a license:
U.S. Armed Forces personnel and spouses stationed in South Dakota.
Nonmilitary persons residing on restricted military reservations in South Dakota
Employees of the Dept. of Veterans Affairs or VA hospital, or patients in a VA
Full-time students attending a South Dakota post-high school institution.
Foreign exchange students at either public or private high schools (Completion
of a HuntSAFE course required for those under age 16).
Age Eligibility
Residents and nonresidents must be at least 12 years old to hunt and residents
under age 16 must have successfully completed a HuntSAFE course.
Submitting Fees
There will now be a $20 fee for people if they draw an elk depredation permit. All other species remain free of charge.
Submitting Applications
Applications may be submitted only by completely filling out all field below and
then hitting the “Submit” button. There are no phone or paper
applications associated with the depredation hunt pool.
Preference Points
No preference points are issued and participation in a depredation pool hunt does not affect preference points or eligibility in future drawings for regular hunting seasons.
A maximum of 10 counties can be selected.
Please verify that the information you enter below correctly represents your
contact information and the species and county or counties you are interested
game depredation hunts are generally conducted in response to severe crop and
livestock feed losses that cannot be resolved using traditional non-lethal
forms of depredation control. They may involve turkey, deer, elk or antelope. In
the past, these hunts have most often been organized during severe winters when
both the weather and road conditions have deteriorated.
hunts require that hunters work closely with the landowner and the conservation
officer. These hunts are usually very site-specific to individual farms and
ranches and are conducted in close cooperation with the affected landowner(s).
Additionally, these hunts are very specific to the species causing the problem
to the landowner. In most cases it is imperative that hunters be able to
respond quickly to the call to participate in a depredation pool hunt.
this in mind, we would ask big game depredation pool applicants to consider
listing only those counties nearest where they reside in order to reduce travel
time and difficulties associated with the distance from their residence to a
hunt area. Applying for a depredation hunt county strictly because it’s
your favorite hunting area is neither recommended nor necessary, and the
results generally are not positive for either the hunter or the affected
landowner. Also, we would ask applicants to only select those species
they are serious about shooting. Selecting for a species or county that
you decline to participate in after being asked to come out and shoot, does not
help Game, Fish and Parks or the affected landowner.
you for your consideration.
Please enter information in each field the way you would like it to appear in
the table. If you need to edit previously entered information, select the
field, re-enter the new information, then submit.