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You are using the South Dakota, Department of Public Safety, Driver Licensing Program’s driving record system (SDDrivers). Information on SDDrivers is to be held in strict confidence and shall never be reproduced, revealed, or made accessible in whole or in part, in any manner whatsoever, to any other person unless required by law and used in accordance with the Federal Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and Social Security Administration regulations noted below.
By electronically signing, you hereby agree:

1. To use the information gathered from the above listed system only in the manner described above and in accordance with Driver Privacy Protection Act . The Driver's Privacy Protection Act (18 U.S.C. § 2721 et seq.) (DPPA), which became effective September 13, 1997, is a federal law enacted to regulate the release and sharing of personal information — such as name, address, social security number, and driver license number — assembled by driver’s license agencies
2. That you will not modify any information in the system unless so approved by the Driver Licensing Program.
3. That you will not disclose any information gathered from SDDrivers except as outlined in this agreement and that any requests for information beyond the scope of this agreement will be forwarded to the Driver Licensing Program administration office for response.
4. To notify the Driver Licensing administration office if you conclude employment in the position that requires access to the data system listed above.
5. To be responsible for the confidentiality of any assigned user identification or passwords required to access the above listed system and not share access information with others.
6. That all information obtained from SDDrivers will remain in strictest confidence during your employment in a position requiring access to the data system listed above and after you leave the employment of same position.
7. All employees or agents who access, use or disclose data provided by the Social Security Administration in a manner, or for a purpose not authorized, are subject to civil and criminal sanctions contained in applicable Federal statutes and regulations – 5 U.S.C.§ 552a(i); 42 U.S.C. § 1306(a)

I certify that I understand and will abide by the above statements. I am aware that the willful unauthorized disclosure of information may result in penalties included in the federal references noted above.
South Dakota Department of Public Safety