Letting Date | Project Number | PC# | Project Location | Description | Available Documents |
1/17/2025 | 000P-151 | i7PW | Aberdeen | Furnish Traffic Signal Pole. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
1/10/2025 | 047-168 | i7nx | Ft. Thompson | Retrofit Bridge Sidewalk with Pedestrian Railing. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/19/2024 | 0009-168 | i7kx | Codington, Grant, Hamlin & Roberts Counties | **PROJECT WITHDRAWN FROM LETTING***
Bridge Deck Grinding on 8 structures over I-29 in NE South Dakota. This is a 3rd time letting this project. | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
7/31/2024 | 0009-168 | i7kx | Codington, Grant, Hamlin & Roberts Counties | Bridge Deck Grinding on 8 structures over I-29 in NE South Dakota. This is a re-letting for this project. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/18/2024 | 0009-168 | i7kx | Codington, Grant, Hamlin & Roberts Counties | Bridge Deck Grinding on 8 structures over I-29 in NE South Dakota. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2024 | 000i-171 | i7KC | Aberdeen Region-wide | FY2025 Annual Aberdeen Region Guardrail Repair Contract. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2024 | 000N-171 | i6yj | Watertown | Modify Traffic Signal at US81 & 14th Ave in Watertown. (Replace 3 section heads w/4 section heads.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2024 | IM 0297(00)175 & IM 0297(00)177 | 09QE & 09QF | Codington County | Bridge Girder Repair on 2 I-29 structures near Watertown. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/5/2024 | 000i-171, 000n-171, 000p-171 | i7G1, i7G2, i7G3 | Brookings County | Brookings County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/5/2024 | 000i-171, 000i-172 | i7e9, i7ea | Deuel, Moody & Roberts Counties | Vegetation Management of Pollinator Plots along I-29. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/5/2024 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i7eu, i7ev | Beadle County | Beadle County Weed Spraying. Re-advertisement of this project. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/5/2024 | 000i-172, 000n-172, 000p-172 | i7GH, i7GJ, i7GK | Roberts County | Roberts County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/20/2024 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i7GT, i7GU | Edmunds County | Edmunds County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans
3/20/2024 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i7GV, i7GW | Faulk County | Faulk County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans
3/20/2024 | 000n-151 | i7GX | Marshall County | Marshall County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans
3/20/2024 | 000n-152, 000n-371 | i7GY | McPherson County | McPherson County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans
3/20/2024 | 000n-151, 000n-152, 000p-151, 000p-152 | i7GL, i7GM, i7GN, i7GP | Brown County | Brown County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans
3/20/2024 | 000n-151, 000p-151 | i7GQ, i7GR | Day County | Day County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans
3/15/2024 | 000P-169, 000N-169 | i7ej, i7ek | Region-wide | Waterborne Pavement Marking Paint on various routes within the Aberdeen Region. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/8/2024 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i7eu, i7ev | Beadle County | **NO BIDS RECIEVED**
Weed Spraying in Beadle County | Abstract Plans
3/8/2024 | 000P-192, 000N-192 | i7ew, i7ex | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes, Hyde Counties | Weed Spraying in Buffalo, Hand, Hughes, and Hyde Counties | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/8/2024 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i7ey, i7e0 | Clark County | Weed Spraying in Clark County | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/8/2024 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i7f1, i7f2 | Kingsbury County | Weed Spraying in Kingsbury County | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/8/2024 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000N-151 | i7f3, i7f4. i7f5, i7f6 | Spink County | Weed Spraying in Spink County | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/22/2024 | 0009-168 | i7e6 | Aberdeen Area (Brown, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson & Spink Counties) | Aberdeen Area Bridge Deck Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/22/2024 | 0009-168 | i7e7 | Huron Area (Beadle, Buffalo, Clark, Kingsbury, Hand, Hyde, & Spink Counties) | Huron Area Bridge Deck Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/22/2024 | 0009-168 | i7e8 | Watertown Area (Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Moody & Roberts Counties) | Watertown Area Bridge Deck Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
12/19/2023 | IM 0297(00)177 | 09NT | Codington County | Bridge Girder Repair. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
12/8/2023 | 020-171, 081-171, 212-171, 212 W-171 | i7c2, i7c3, i7c4, | Codington County | PCC Pavement Repair in and around Watertown. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/3/2023 | 037-151 & 012-152 | i7CL & i7CM | Brown & Edmunds Counties | Culvert Cleaning and Lining | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/22/2023 | 000P-169, 000N-169 | i7C6, i7C7 | Watertown Area (Brookings, Clark, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin & Roberts Counties) | Waterborne Pavement Markings on State and US Highways. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/21/2023 | 0009-192 | i6N3 | Miller, SD | Surface Preparation, Resurfacing and Valley Gutter in SDDOT Miller Maintenance Yard. Resurface City street adjacent to the SDDOT Miller Maintenance Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/21/2023 | 000i-171, 000n-171, 000p-171, 000i-172, 000N-172, 000P-172 | i79N, i79P, i79Q, i79R, i79T, i79U | Watertown Area (Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Moody & Roberts Counties) | Pickup and Dispose of Roadkill Deer in Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Moody & Roberts Counties. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/21/2023 | 0009-169 | i79m | Huron Area (Beadle, Buffalo, Clark, Kingsbury, Hand, Hughes, Hyde, Miner, Sanborn & Spink Counties) | Pickup and Dispose of Roadkill Deer in Beadle, Buffalo, Clark, Kingsbury, Hand, Hughes, Hyde, Miner, Sanborn & Spink Counties. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/21/2023 | 000p-151, 000n-151, 000p-152, 000n-152, 0009-151 | i79H, i79J, i79G, i79K, i79L | Aberdeen Area (Brown, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson & Spink Counties) | Pick up and dispose of roadkill deer in Brown, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson, & Spink Counties. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/1/2023 | 000i-171 | i77x | Aberdeen Region | FY24 Aberdeen Region-wide Guardrail Repair Contract. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/26/2023 | 025-172 | i77u | Roberts County | Replace 2 culverts on SD25 east of Veblen. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2023 | 212-152 | i78r | Faulk County | Asphalt Concrete Crack Sealing on US212 from the Potter County Line to Faulkton. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/24/2023 | 015-172 | i78a | Milbank | Sidewalk Repair on SD15 in Milbank. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/12/2023 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i76m, i76n | Beadle County | Weed Spraying in Beadle County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/12/2023 | 000P-192, 000N-192 | i76p, i76q | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes & Hyde Counties | Weed Spraying in Buffalo, Hand, Hughes & Hyde Counties. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/12/2023 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i76r, i76t | Clark County | Weed Spraying in Clark County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/12/2023 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i76u, i76v | Kingsbury County | Weed Spraying in Kingsbury County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/12/2023 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000P-151 | i76w, i76x, i76y, i77a | Spink County | Weed Spraying in Spink County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/12/2023 | 000i-172, 000n-172, 000p-172 | i72n, i72p, i72q | Roberts County | Weed Spraying in Roberts County. This is a readvertisement of this contract as no bids were received for the 3-27-23 bid opening. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/27/2023 | 000i-171, 000n-171, 000p-171 | i71v, i71w, i71x | Brookings County | Weed Spraying in Brookings County. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/27/2023 | 000i-172, 000n-172, 000p-172 | i72n, i72p, i72q | Roberts County | **NO BIDS RECIEVED** Weed Spraying in Roberts County. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
3/24/2023 | 012-151 | i70u | Brown County | PCC Pavement Restoration on US12 east of Aberdeen. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/2/2023 | 0009-168 | i70n | Aberdeen Area | Bridge Cleaning and Sweeping in Brown, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson, & Spink Counties. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/2/2023 | 0009-168 | i70p | Huron Area | Bridge Cleaning and Sweeping in Beadle, Buffalo, Clark, Hand, Hyde, Kingsbury & Spink Counties. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/2/2023 | 0009-168 | i70q | Watertown Area | Bridge Cleaning and Sweeping in Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Moody, & Roberts Counties. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/1/2023 | 000i-171, 000i-172 | i71L, i17M | Deuel, Moody & Roberts Counties | Pollinator Habitat Vegetation Control. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/28/2023 | 000n-151, 000n-152, 000p-151, 000p-152 | i72r, i72t, i72u, i72v | Brown County | Weed Spraying in Brown County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/28/2023 | 000n-151, 000p-151 | i72w, i72x | Day County | Weed Spraying in Day County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/28/2023 | 000n-151 | i73e | Marshall County | Weed Spraying in Marshall County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/28/2023 | 000n-152, 000n-371 | i73f, i73g | McPherson County | Weed Spraying in McPherson County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/28/2023 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i72y, i73a | Edmunds County | Weed Spraying in Edmunds County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/28/2023 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i73c, i73d | Faulk County | Weed Spraying in Faulk County. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/10/2023 | 025-151 | i6jn | Webster | Sidewalk Replacement along SD25 in Webster. NO BIDS RECEIVED. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2
10/19/2022 | 000P-152 | i6wu | Faulk County | Remove Silt Fence and Reseed Ditches on US 212. (**This is a re-advertisement of this project**) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/22/2022 | 000P-152 | i6wu | Faulk County | Remove Silt Fence and Reseed Ditches on US 212. (**NO BIDS RECIEVED**) | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/16/2022 | P-PH-B 0025(00)115 | 0956 | Clark & Kingsbury Counties | Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing and Asphalt Concrete Spot Patching on various county routes. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/15/2022 | 000i-171, 000N-171, 000P-171, 000i-172, 000N-172, 000P-172 | i6v6, i6v7, i6v8, i6v9, i6va, i6vc | Watertown Area | Pickup of Road Kill Deer. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/2/2022 | 000i-171 | i6TL | Aberdeen Region | FY2023 Annual Guardrail Repair Contract. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/1/2022 | 000P-151, 000N-151, 000P-152, 000N-152, 0009-151 | i63u, i6u4, i6u5, i6u6, i6u7 | Aberdeen Area | Pickup of Road Kill Deer. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/26/2022 | 0009-151 | i5EY | Brown County | Resurface Maintenance Yard and Install Fence. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2022 | 012 E-151 | i5um | Brown County | Cold Milling, Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing, and Guardrail on US 12 east of Bath. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/12/2022 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000N-151 | i6t2, i6t3, i6t4, i6t5 | Spink County | Spink County Weed Spay. (Reletting) | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/12/2022 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6rt, i6ru | Beadle County | Beadle County Weed Spray. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/29/2022 | 029 S-171 & 029 N-171 | i6RE & i6RF | Deuel County | Saw Cutting Relief Joints in Pavement. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2022 | 000P-192, 000N-192 | i6rv, i6rw | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes, Hyde Counties | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes, Hyde Counties Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2022 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6rx, i6ry | Clark County | Clark County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2022 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6t0, i6t1 | Kingsbury County | Kingsbury County Weed Spraying | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2022 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000N-151 | i6t2, i6t3, i6t4, i6t5 | Spink County | Spink County Weed Spraying.
(Bids were Rejected.) | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/29/2022 | 000i-171, 000n-171, 000p-171 | i6qm, i6qn, i6qp | Brookings County | Brookings County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/29/2022 | 000i-172, 000n-172, 000p-172 | i6r4, i6r5, i6r6 | Roberts County | Roberts County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/29/2022 | 000i-171 & 000i-172 | i6Lv & i6LW | Deuel, Moody & Roberts Counties | Pollinator Habitat Vegetation Control. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000n-151, 000n-152, 000p-151, 000p-152 | i6p6, i6p7, i6p8, i6p9 | Brown County | Brown County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i6pd, i6pe | Edmunds County | Edmunds County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i6pf, i6pg | Faulk County | Faulk County Weed Spraying | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000n-151 | i6ph | Marshall County | Marshall County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000n-152, 000n-371 | i6pj, i6pk | McPherson County | McPherson County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000n-151, 000p-151 | i6pa, i6pc | Day County | Day County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/18/2022 | 0009-168 | i6Lp | Aberdeen Area | Bridge Deck Sweeping in the Aberdeen Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/18/2022 | 0009-168 | i6Lq | Huron Area | Bridge Deck Sweeping in the Huron Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/18/2022 | 0009-168 | i6Lr | Watertown Area | Bridge Deck Sweeping in the Watertown Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
12/14/2021 | P-PH 0015(82)167 | 08U8 | Grant County | Pre-Purchase Structural Steel for bridge replacement in Grant County. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/19/2021 | 0009-169 & 0009-169 | i6kj & i6kk | Webster | Replace Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet & Battery Backup in Webster. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
11/19/2021 | 000n-152 | i5f3 | Roscoe | Install Flashing Beacons for
School Crossing in Roscoe. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/17/2021 | 000i-169 | i6jm | Deuel & Roberts Counties | Replace Sign Posts along I-29. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/2/2021 | 025-152 | i6JL | Day County | Replace culvert on SD25 north of Webster. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/2/2021 | 022-171, 028-171 | i6k4, i6k5 | Deuel County | Install Culvert Liners on SD22 and SD28 in Deuel County | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/18/2021 | 000N-172 | i59h | Roberts County | School Crossing Sign Improvements in Rosholt, SD. (Relocate Flashing Beacons). | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/3/2021 | 0009-151 | i6ag | Day County | Grade and Surface the SDDOT Webster Maintenance Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/21/2021 | 000i-171 | i6h4 | Aberdeen Region | FY 2022 Annual Guardrail Repair Contract. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/7/2021 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i6gx, i6gy | Edmunds, Faulk & McPherson Counties | Remove debris from ROW (Ditches). | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/23/2021 | 029 s-171, 029 s-172, 029 n-291 | i62k, i62L, i6cf | Deuel, Roberts & Union Counties | Pavement Texturing (Shot Blasting) on I-29 in Eastern South Dakota. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2021 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6f4, i6f5 | Clark County | Clark County Weed Spraying. This is a Re-bid for this contract. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2021 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6f6, i6f7 | Kingsbury County | Kingsbury County Weed Spraying. This is a Re-bid for this contract. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2021 | 000i-171, 000n-171, 000p-171 | i6e6, i6e7, i6e8 | Brookings County | Brookings County Weed Spray. This is a Rebid for this project. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2021 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6f0, i6f1 | Beadle County | Beadle County Weed Spraying | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2021 | 000P-192, 000N-192 | i6f2, i6f3 | Buffalo, Hand, Hushes, Hyde Counties | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes & Hyde Weed Spraying | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2021 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6f4, i6f5 | Clark County | Clark County Weed Spraying | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2021 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i6f6, i6f7 | Kingsbury County | Kingsbury County Weed Spraying | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2021 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000N-151 | i6f8, i6f9, i6fa, i6fc | Spink County | Spink County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/26/2021 | 000i-171, 000n-171, 000p-171 | i6e6, i6e7, i6e8 | Brookings County | Brookings County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/26/2021 | 000i-172, 000n-172, 000p-172 | i6en, i6ep, i6eq | Roberts County | Roberts County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/19/2021 | 0009-171 | i6a7 & i6a8 | Brookings & Hayti | Replace Fabric Cover on Hoop Building in Brookings. Repair Fabric Cover on Hoop Building in Hayti. | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/17/2021 | 000n-152, 000n-371 | i6CY, i6D0 | McPherson County | McPherson County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/17/2021 | 000n-151, 000n-152, 000p-151, 000p-152 | i6D1, i6D2, i6D3, i6D4 | Brown County | Brown County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/17/2021 | 000n-151, 000p-151 | i6D5, i6D6 | Day County | Day County Weed Spraying | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/17/2021 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i6D7, i6D8 | Edmunds County | Edmunds County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/17/2021 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i6D9, i6DA | Faulk County | Faulk County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/17/2021 | 000n-151 | i6CX | Marshall County | Marshall County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/12/2021 | 000i-171 & 000i-172 | i6C5 & i6C6 | Deuel, Moody & Roberts Counties | Pollinator Habitat Vegetation
Control at the Rest Areas along I-29. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/26/2021 | 0009-168 | i6a9 | Brown, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson, Spink | Aberdeen Area Bridge Deck Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/26/2021 | 0009-168 | i6aa | Beadle, Bufflalo, Clark, Hand, Hyde, Kingsbury & Spink | Huron Area Bridge Deck Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/26/2021 | 0009-168 | i6ac | Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Moody & Roberts Counties | Watertown Area Bridge Deck Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/26/2021 | 410A395 | i5UL | Sisseton | Replace Maintenance Building Shop Floor. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
2/26/2021 | 029 S-171 | i5NL | Brookings, Codington, Deuel & Hamlin Counties | Concrete Pavement Repair on I-29. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
2/12/2021 | 0009-171 | i6a7 & i6a8 | Brookings & Hayti | Replace Fabric Cover on Hoop Building in Brookings. Repair Fabric Cover on Hoop Building in Hayti. | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
7/8/2020 | 000i-171 & 000i-172 | i65d & i65e | Deuel, Moody & Roberts Counties | Pollinator Habitat Vegetation Control. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
7/1/2020 | 037-192 | i62j | Spink County | Culvert Replacement on SD37 north of Doland. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/22/2020 | 000i-171 | i62m | Aberdeen Region | FY2021 Aberdeen Region Annual Guardrail Repair Contract | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/22/2020 | 029 S-168 | i5tg | Roberts County | Impact Damage Repair to bridge located 5 miles north of Summit on I-29. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/15/2020 | 0009-192 | i5ex | Redfield SDDOT Maintenance Yard | Grading, concrete valley gutters, concrete
pavement aprons, curb & gutter, asphalt
concrete surfacing | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/7/2020 | 0009-168 | i61y | Huron Area | Huron Area Pickup and Dispose of Roadkill Deer. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/3/2020 | 0009-168 | i61e | Brown, Day, Edmunds, Faulk, Marshall, McPherson, Spink | Aberdeen Area Bridge Cleaning and Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/3/2020 | 0009-168 | i61f | (Beadle, Buffalo, Clark, Hand, Hyde, Kingsbury, Spink | Huron Area Bridge Cleaning and Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/3/2020 | 0009-168 | i61g | Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Moody, Roberts | Watertown Area Bridge Cleaning and Sweeping. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/1/2020 | 000i-171, 000n-171, 000p-171 | i5y9, i5ya, i5yc | Brookings County | Brookings County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/1/2020 | 000i-172, 000n-172, 000p-172 | i5yr, i5yt, i5yu | Roberts County | Roberts County Weed Spraying. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2020 | 045-152 | i5ug | McPherson County | Box Culvert Repair & Scour Protection on SD45 south of Leola. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2020 | 000n-151, 000n-152, 000p-151, 000p-152 | i60f, i60g, i60h, i60j | Brown County | Weed Spraying - Brown County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2020 | 000n-151, 000p-151 | i60k, i60L | Day County | Weed Spraying - Day County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2020 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i60m, i60n | Edmunds County | Weed Spraying - Edmunds County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2020 | 000n-152, 000p-152 | i60p, i60q | Faulk County | Weed Spraying - Faulk County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2020 | 000n-151 | i60r | Marshall County | Weed Spraying - Marshall County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2020 | 000n-152, 000n-371 | i60t, i60u | McPherson County | Weed Spraying McPherson County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/11/2020 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i5X1, i5X2 | Beadle County | Beadle County Weed Spray. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/11/2020 | 000P-192, 000N-192 | i5X3, i5X4 | Buffalo, Hand, Hushes, Hyde Counties | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes, & Hyde Counties Weed Spray. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/11/2020 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i5X5, i5X6 | Clark County | Clark County Weed Spray. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/11/2020 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i5X7, i5X8 | Kingsbury County | Kingsbury County Weed Spray. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/11/2020 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000N-151 | i5X9, i5Xa, i5xc, i5xd | Spink County | Spink County Weed Spray. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
1/31/2020 | 410A389 | i5R3 | I-29 Ward Rest Area | Ward Rest Area Rehabilitation (Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter, Fence). Plans should be available by 1-10-20. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
12/18/2019 | 012-168 | i5tx | Roberts County | Repair damage to concrete barrier rail on bridge. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/21/2019 | NH 0212(00)379 | 07M7 | Watertown | Furnish Traffic Signal Poles and Controller. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
11/21/2019 | 000P-171 | i5gc | Watertown | Hawk Signal & Reinstall Detector Cables. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/12/2019 | 029 S-171 | i5NL | Brookings, Codington, Deuel & Hamlin Counties | Concrete Pavement Repair. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/25/2019 | P 0010(00)273 | 073D | Brown County | Spot Resurfacing of Brown County #9. (120th St) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/14/2019 | 000P-151, 000N-151, 000P-152, 000N-152, 0009-151 | I5PJ, I5PK, I5PL, I5PN, I5PM | Aberdeen Area | Pickup and Dispose of Road Kill Deer in the Aberdeen Area. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
5/31/2019 | 0009-169 | i5pw | Huron Area | Pickup and Dispose of Road Kill Deer in the Huron Area. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
5/31/2019 | 000i-171 | i5pa | Aberdeen Region | FY2020 Annual Guardrail
Repair Contract. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2019 | 000P-151, 000N-151, 000P-152, 000N-152, 0009-151 | I5PJ, I5PK, I5PL, I5PN, I5PM | Aberdeen Area | Pickup and Dispose of Road Kill Deer in the Aberdeen Area. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/26/2019 | 012 W-168 & 281-168 | i5JL & i5JM | Brown County | Replace Neoprene Strip Seal Glands. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2019 | 000N-151, 000N-152, 000P-151, 000P-152 | i5LQ, i5LR, i5LT, i5LU | Brown County | Weed Spraying Brown County | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
4/17/2019 | 000i-172, 000N-172, 000P-172 | i5ka, i5kc, i5kd | Roberts County | Weed Spraying Roberts County | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
4/17/2019 | 000N-151, 000P-151 | i5LV, i5LW | Day County | Weed Spraying Day County | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
4/17/2019 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i5LY, i5M0 | Edmunds County | Weed Spraying Edmunds County | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
4/17/2019 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i5M1, i5M2 | Faulk County | Weed Spraying Faulk County | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
4/17/2019 | 000N-151 | i5LX | Marshall County | Weed Spraying Marshall County | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
4/17/2019 | 000N-152, 000N-371 | i5M3, i5M4 | McPherson County | Weed Spraying McPherson County | Abstract Plans Addendum 1
3/29/2019 | 014-191 | i52f | DeSmet | Install Junction Box and Storm Sewer Cleaning. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/21/2019 | 0009-168 | i51g | Aberdeen Area | Cleaning of Bridge Decks in the Aberdeen Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/21/2019 | 0009-168 | i51h | Huron Area | Cleaning of Bridge Decks in the Huron Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/21/2019 | 0009-168 | i5gw | Watertown Area | Cleaning of Bridge Decks in the Watertown Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
2/27/2019 | 000P-192, 000N-192 | i5h2, i5h3 | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes and Hyde Counties | Weed Spraying in Buffalo, Hand, Hughes and Hyde Counties | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
2/27/2019 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i5h4, i5h5 | Clark County | Weed Spraying in Clark County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
2/27/2019 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i5h6, i5h7 | Kingsbury County | Weed Spraying in Kingsbury County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
2/27/2019 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000N-151 | i5h8, i5h9, i5ha, i5hc | Spink County | Weed Spraying in Spink County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
2/27/2019 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i5h0, i5h1 | Beadle County | Weed Spraying in Beadle County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
10/26/2018 | 012 E-151 | i5dj | Brown County | Curb and Gutter Installation/Replacement on US12 west of Groton over BNSF Railroad. (This is a re-advertisement of this project.) ---NO BIDS RECIEVED--- | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
10/12/2018 | 014 E-191 & 037 N-191 | i5f0 & i5f1 | Huron | Construct Median Crossovers on US14 and SD37 in Huron.
---NO BIDS RECIEVED-- | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
10/2/2018 | 025-151 | i5c1 | Marshall County | Replace pipe along SD25 at 448th Ave. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/10/2018 | 000N-151, 000N-152, 000P-152, 000P-192 | i5dh, i5e4, i5e5, i5e6 | Edmunds, Faulk, Hand & Spink | Remove Debris from Right of Way. (This is a re-advertisement of this project.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/24/2018 | 012 E-151 | i5dj | Brown County | Curb and Gutter Installation/Replacement on US12 west of Groton. ---NO BIDS RECEIVED--- | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/1/2018 | 000N-151, 000N-152, 000P-152, 000P-192 | i5dh, i5e4, i5e5, i5e6 | Edmunds, Faulk, Hand & Spink | Remove Debris from Right of Way.
**BID OPENING HAS BEEN CANCELLED** | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1
6/15/2018 | 410A375 | i51r | Faulkton | GRADING, RESURFACING, and VALLEY GUTTER at the SDDOT Faulkton Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/8/2018 | 000i-171 | i59p | Regionwide | FY2019 Annual Guardrail Repair. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/1/2018 | 015-172 | i55r | Roberts County | Pipe Culvert Cleaning, Joint Repair, Void Filling and CIPP Lining on SD15 in Roberts County. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/1/2018 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i57q, i57r | Clark County | Weed Spraying in Clark County. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2018 | 012 E-151 & 012 W-151 | i50g & i50h | Brown County | Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete on US12 East of Aberdeen. | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/20/2018 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i57n, i57p | Beadle County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Beadle County. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2018 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i57q, i57r | Clark County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Clark County. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2018 | 000P-192, 000N-192 | i57t, i57u | Buffalo, Hand, Hughes & Hyde Counties | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Buffalo, Hand, Hughes & Hyde Counties. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2018 | 000P-191, 000N-191 | i57v, i57w | Kingsbury County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Kingsbury County. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2018 | 000P-192, 000N-192, 000P-151, 000N-152 | i57x, i57y, i58a, i58c | Spink County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Spink County. | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2018 | 000i-172, 000N-172, 000P-172 | i55n, i55p, i55q | Roborts County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Roberts County. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2018 | 000N-151, 000N-152, 000P-151, 000P-152 | i56v, i56w, i56x, i56y | Brown County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Brown County. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2018 | 000N-151, 000P-151 | i57a, i57c | Day County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Day County. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2018 | 000N-151, 000P-151 | i57d | Marshall County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Marshall County. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2018 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i57g, i57h | Faulk County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Faulk County. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2018 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i57e, i57f | Edmunds County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in Edmunds County. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/16/2018 | 000N-152, 000N-371 | i57j, i57k | McPherson County | Weed Spraying of State Highway Right-of-Ways in McPherson County. | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/6/2018 | 014 B-171 | i4yd | Brookings County | Improve radius on US14B at 34th Ave. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
3/14/2018 | 0009-168 | i51h | Huron Area | Huron Area Cleaning and Sweeping of Bridge Decks. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/14/2018 | 0009-168 | i51g | Aberdeen Area | Aberdeen Area Cleaning and Sweeping of Bridge Decks. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/14/2018 | 0009-168 | i51j | Watertown Area | Watertown Area Cleaning and Sweeping of Bridge Decks. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/9/2018 | 410A384 | i51Q | Leola | Yard Resurfacing and concrete valley gutter replacement at the SDDOT Leola Maintenance Shop Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/23/2018 | 029S-171 & 029 N-171 | i4yy & i50a | Deuel County | Remove PCCP and Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing at Hidewood Rest Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
2/13/2018 | NH 0012(00)293 | 06K9 | Aberdeen | Furnish Traffic Signal Equipment. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/1/2017 | 028-171 | i4xe | Hamlin County | Replace 4-48" RCP on SD28 west of Estelline. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/28/2017 | 029 S-171 & 029 N-171 | i4lx & i4ly | Deuel County | Removal of Buildings at the I-29 Hidewood Rest Areas. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2017 | 014-191 & 025-194 | i4RK & i4RL | Kingsbury County | Resurface Shoulders & Asphalt on Intersecting Roads/Approaches. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/2/2017 | 014 E-171 & 014-171 | i48g & i48h | Brookings County | Repair inslope erosion along US14 in western Brooking County. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/2/2017 | 000i-171 | i4pm | Aberdeen Region | FY2018 Region-wide Guardrail Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/2/2017 | P 0012(00) | 063A | Deuel & Hamlin Counties | Pipe Culvert Cleaning, Joint Repair, Void Filling on SD 22, SD 28 & SD 101. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
5/26/2017 | 012-151, 281N-151, 281S-151 | i4rd, i4re, i4rf | Brown & Day Counties | PCC Pavement Repair on US12 east of Webster and US 281 in Aberdeen. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/26/2017 | P 0013(00) | 0639 | Beadle, Kingsbury, Miner & Spink Counties | Pipe Culvert Cleaning, Joint Repair, Void Filling on US 14, SD 25, SD 28 & SD37. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/12/2017 | P 0011(00) | 0638 | Brown & Edmunds Counties | Pipe Culvert Cleaning, Joint Repair, Void Filling on US 12, US 281 & SD10. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/5/2017 | 000P-152 & 410A375 | i4L8 & i4Q9 | Faulkton | Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk,
Approach Pavement | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2017 | 000N-151, 000P-151 | i4py, i4q0 | Day | Weed Spraying Day County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2017 | 000N-151, 000N-152, 000P-151, 000P-152 | i4pu, i4pv, i4pw, i4px | Brown County | Weed Spaying Brown County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2017 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i4q2, i4q3 | Edmunds County | Weed Spraying Edmunds County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2017 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i4q4, i4q5 | Faulk County | Weed Spraying Faulk County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2017 | 000N-151 | i4q1 | Marshall County | Weed Spraying Marshall County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2017 | 000N-152, 000N-371 | i4q6, i4q7 | McPherson County | Weed Spraying McPherson County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/17/2017 | 000I-172, 000P-172, 000N-172 | i4mt, i4mu, i4mv | Roberts County | Weed Spraying Roberts County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2017 | 410A372 | i4M8 | Ipswich | Construct wood frame metal covered storage shed in the Ipswich SDDOT Maintenance Yard. (Plans will be available on 3-10-17.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/24/2017 | 410A373 | i4L6 | Roberts County | Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete,
Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing,
Minor Grading at the SDDOT Sisseton Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/24/2017 | 410A374 | i4L7 | Codington County | Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete,
Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing at the SDDOT Watertown Area Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
10/14/2016 | P-PH 0014(177)421 | 05GQ | Brookings | Furnish Traffic Signal Controllers | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/23/2016 | 410A360 | i4a5 | Highmore | Milling, Grading, concrete Valley Gutters, Curb and Cutter and Asphalt Concrete Surfacing. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/19/2016 | 410A368 | | Sisseton | Construct a 60' x 80' storage shed at the Sisseton SDDOT Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/12/2016 | 014 W-168 | i47r | Brookings | Overheight Vehicle Impact Repair in Brookings County on US14. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
8/12/2016 | 029 S-168 | i4FN | Deuel County | Overheight Vehicle Impact Repair in Deuel County on I-29. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/29/2016 | 000P-151 | i4G8 | Day County | Construct New Field Approach along US12 east of Waubay. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/22/2016 | 027-151 | i40X | Day County | CULVERT CLEANING, DITCH CLEANING, & CHANNEL PROTECTION. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/13/2016 | PH 0012(209)263 | 05NM | Brown & Edmunds Counties | Install centerline rumble stripes, shoulder rumble strips, and pavement markings. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/13/2016 | 014-192 | i44m | Hand County | Install Area Drain, Ditch Cleanout & AC Resurfacing east of Miller. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/3/2016 | 014-192 & 014-192 | i4ck & i4cl | Beadle & Kinsbury Counties | Asphalt Concrete Placement on Shoulders of US14 east of Wessington and between Iroquois and Lake Preston. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/3/2016 | 000P-151 & 012-151 | i3P0 & i43T | Aberdeen | PCC Pavement, Sidewalk, Traffic Signal, & Sidewalk Repair. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2016 | 037-151 & 027-151 | i48L & i4CQ | Brown & Marshall | Spot Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete & Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2016 | 000i-171 | i4a6 | Aberdeen Region | Annual Region-wide Guardrail Repair Contract | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2016 | 020-192 | i45y | Spink County | Install Polymer Modified Asphalt Growth Joints | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2016 | 212-192 | i4a1 | Spink County | Asphalt Concrete Maintenance Patching on US212. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/15/2016 | 000N-151, 000N-152, 000P-151, 000P-152 | i49L, i49M, i49N, i49P | Brown County | Weed Spraying | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/15/2016 | 000N-151, 000P-151 | i49Q, i49R | Day County | Weed Spraying | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/15/2016 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i49T, i49U | Edmunds County | Weed Spraying | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/15/2016 | 000N-152, 000P-152 | i49V, i49W | Faulk County | Weed Spraying | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/15/2016 | 000N-151 | i49X | Marshall County | Weed Spraying | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/15/2016 | 000N-152, 000N-371 | i49Y, i4A0 | McPherson County | Weed Spraying | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/15/2016 | P TAPU(03) | 04Q7 | Aberdeen, Brown County | Shared Use Path along North Roosevelt Street. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2016 | P SRTS(35) | 04NT | Big Stone City, Grant County | Safe Routes to School project located in Big Stone City - Sidewalk, Curb Ramp Improvements, Signing and Pavement Marking | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/18/2016 | 010-172 & 029 S-172 | i3p6 & i3p7 | Grant & Roberts Counties | Culvert Repair and Replacement. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
1/22/2016 | 000p-151 | i43Q | Aberdeen | Furnish Traffic Signal Poles. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/24/2015 | 012-151 & 000P-151 | i3u4 & i3wn | Day County | Surface median crossover east of Andover and east of Webster with PCC Pavement. PCC Pavement repairs thru Waubay. All work on US12. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Addendum 3 Apparent Low Bidders
9/18/2015 | 010-151 | i40h | Brown County | Replace culvert on Section Line road adjacent to SD10 west of Houghton. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/25/2015 | 410A363 | | Clear Lake | Construct a 60' x 80' storage shed at the Clear Lake SDDOT Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
8/20/2015 | 212-152 | i3u3 | Faulk County | Culvert Scour Protections (Gabions) at 3 location on US212 northeast of Orient. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/19/2015 | 410A362 | | Watertown | Construct a 56' x 90' storage shed at the Watertown SDDOT Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
7/16/2015 | P SRTS(39) | 04NX | Estelline (Hamlin County) | Safe Routes to School Project in Estelline. (Note the Letting Date has been changed on this project to 7-16-15.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
6/25/2015 | 010-151, 020-151 & 037-151 | i3w7, i3w8 & i3w9 | Brown and Spink Counties | Cover Riprap on Inslopes with Topsoil. Work on SD37, SD20 and SD10. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/4/2015 | 015-172, 020-172, & 123-172 | i3vf, i3vg & i3p8 | Grant & Roberts Counties | ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR ON SD15/SD20 SOUTH OF MILBANK & PIPE CULVERT PLACEMENT ON SD123. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/4/2015 | 012-151 & 000P-151 | i3u4 & i3wn | Day County | Surface median crossover east of Andover and east of Webster with PCC Pavement. PCC Pavement repairs thru Waubay. All work on US12. (Plans available by 5-22-15.) | Abstract Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/29/2015 | 000i-171 | i3u8 | Aberdeen Region | FY2016 Aberdeen Region Guardrail Repair. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/29/2015 | 212-171, 212 E-171 & 212 W-171 | i3tv, i3tw & i3tx | Watertown | Concrete Pavement Repair on US 212 in Watertown. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/1/2015 | 010-172, 029 S-172 & 123-172 | i3p6, i3p7, & i3p8 | Grant & Roberts Counties | Culvert Repair and Replacement on SD10, SD123 & I-29. | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
11/14/2014 | 029 S-168 | i35j | Brookings County | Structure Repair (Heat Straightening) at the I29 and SD30 Interchange. This is a combined letting with 090 W-288, PCN i3gu. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
11/14/2014 | 090 W-288 | i3gu | Davison County | Structure Repair (Heat Straightening) at the I90 and SD37 Interchange. This is a combined letting with 029 S-168, PCN i35j. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/19/2014 | PH 0027(10)228, 000I-169, 000P-169 & 000N-169 | 051V, i3k8, i3k7 & i3dd | Brown, Day, Edmunds, Grant, Marshall & Roberts | Guardrail Modifications and Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/12/2014 | PH 0013(31)127, 000I-169 & 000P-169 | 052A, i3da & i3dc | Brookings, Codington, Deuel & Hamlin Counties | Guardrail Replacement and Repair. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/9/2014 | PH 0013(32), 000P-169 & 000N-169 | 052E, i3k9 & i3ka | Beadle, Hand & Spink | Bridge Rail Replacement,
Guardrail Replacement and
Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2014 | 000P-152, 0009-151 & 000N-151 | i3cr, i3ct & i3cu | Brown, Day & Edmunds Counties | Repair and Replace Luminaire and Traffic Signal Poles | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2014 | 010-151 | i3c0 | Brown County | Asphalt Concrete Patching on SD10, 4 miles east of US281 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2014 | 0009-171 & 0009-172 | i3g8 & i3g9 | Watertown Area | Concrete Pavement Repair within the Watertown Area of the SDDOT. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/9/2014 | 000i-171 | i3d9 | Aberdeen Region | FY2015 Aberdeen Region Annual Guardrail Repair Contract. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
1/10/2014 | 000P-192, 000P-191, 000P-171, 000N-191, & 000N-192 | i35p, i35q, i35r, i35t & i35u | Beadle, Brookings, Buffalo, Hand & Kingsbury Counties | REPAIR AND REPLACE LUMINAIRE AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLES AT SEVERAL LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT THE HURON AREA. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/18/2013 | 410A343 | i36n | Grant County | Construct a 60' x 80' Storage Building at the SDDOT Milbank Maintenance Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
8/2/2013 | 281 SF-151 | i2wd | Aberdeen | Replace Culvert and Approach with Asphalt Surfacing. Project located on the US281 Service Road south of Aberdeen. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/23/2013 | ER 0010(98) | 0451 | Grant, Marshal & Roberts | Wetland Mitgation near Big Stone City, Britton and New Effignton. (This is the 2nd attempt at letting this project. All bids from the 6-25-13 letting were rejected.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2013 | 012-152 & 010-151 | i30d & i2xm | Edmunds & Marshall | PCC Repair on US12 from Ipswich to Mina and SD10 thru Britton. (Plans to be mailed on 5-23-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/31/2013 | 212-152 | i30q | Faulk County | Process In Place Shoulders of US212 East of Faulkton. (Plans to be mailed 5-13-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/26/2013 | 010-168 | i2vt | Brown County | Replace Wood Spacer Blocks on Bridge Railing. Project located on SD10 across the James River. (Plans mailed 4-3-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/26/2013 | 000i-171 | i2vu | Region Wide | Annual Region Wide Guardrail Repair Contract for FY2014.(Plans mailed 4-3-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/5/2013 | 410A319 | i2vd | Sisseton | Concrete Approach Slab for Storage Building at the SDDOT Sisseton Maintenance Yard. (Plans mailed 3-19-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2013 | 012-169 | i2ve | Aberdeen | Replace Traffic Signal Mast Arm at the Intersection of US 12 and US281 in Aberdeen. (Plans to be mailed on 3-1-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
2/22/2013 | 000p-151 | i2tu | Aberdeen | Replace Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet at US12/Roosevelt Intersection in Aberdeen. (Plans mailed 1-30-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
1/25/2013 | 410A317 | i2ue | Hayti | Remove Asphalt Concrete and Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing at the Hayti SDDOT Maintenance Yard. (Plans mailed 1-8-13.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
1/18/2013 | NH-PS 0012(145)387 | 045A | Milbank, SD | Furnish Traffic Signal and Luminaire Poles. (Plans mailed on 12-28-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/21/2012 | NH 0083(56)212 | 03YU | Faulk County | Wetland Mitigation. Project site NE of Faulkton. (Plans to be mailed 8-9-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/7/2012 | 012-151 & 012 W-151 | i26p & i27q | Aberdeen | Install Concrete Channel along US12 in west Aberdeen. (Plans to be mailed 7-23-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/3/2012 | 029 N-172 | i1X0 | Roberts County | Install Culvert along railroad line under I-29 near Exit 246. (Plans to be mailed 7-17-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/13/2012 | P 0011(00)02 | 03R1 | Brown, Day & Marshall | Inslope Repair on US12, SD10, & SD25. (Plans to be mailed 6-20-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/15/2012 | P 0011(00)01 | 03R0 | Edmunds County | Inslope Repair on SD47 North of Bowdle and on US12 East of Bowdle. (Plans to be mailed on 5-29-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/8/2012 | 000I-171 | i2k0 | Aberdeen Region | Aberdeen Region FY2013 Guardrail Repair Contract. (Plans to be mailed 5-22-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2012 | 410A316 | i2jy | Hayti | Install Concrete Approach slab adjactent to SDDOT Maintenance Shop in Hayti. (Plans to be mailed on 4-17-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/30/2012 | 127-172 | i2gg | Roberts County | Replece Twin 54" Culverts on SD127 west of New Effington. (Plans mailed 3-12-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/23/2012 | 029 N-168 | i24d | Codington County | Impact Damage Repair to structure over I-29 at MRM 183.9. (Plans mailed on 3-2-12.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
2/17/2012 | 410A297 | | Clark | Salvage and Stockpile Asphalt Mix and Granular Base Material, Placing Base Course Salvage, & Asphalt Concrete Surfacing at Clark SDDOT Maintenance Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
10/4/2011 | 081-171 | i2e6 | Watertown | Install sawed in Traffic Signal Dectector Loops at the intersection of US81 & 1st Ave S in Watertown. (Plans mailed 9-22-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/22/2011 | 410A303 | | Ipswich | Salvage & Stockpile Asphalt mix & Granular Base, grading & Asphalt Concrete Surfacing. (Plans mailed 7-6-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/8/2011 | 012 W-151, 012 E-151, 012-151, 025-151, 025-151, 025-151 | i2bl, i2bm, i2bn, i2bf, i2be, i2c3 | Day, Clark, & Marshall Counties | inslope repair US 12 & SD 25 (mail 5/27/11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/8/2011 | 12 W-151, 012 E-151, 010-151,010-151 & 037-151 | i2bj, i2bk, i2bb, i2bc, & i2bh | Brown & Marshall | Inslope repair US 12 SD 10 & SD 37 (mailed 5-27-11). | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/7/2011 | 247-152 & 253-152 | i2bd & i2bg | Edmunds | inslope repair, grade raise, asphalt concrete paving on SD 253 & 247. (plans mailed 5-26-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/2/2011 | 021-171 | i2bq | Hamlin County | Emergency Repairs to SD 21 south of Hayti. Contact Matt Brey for additional details or plans. | Abstract Apparent Low Bidders
6/2/2011 | 029 S-171 & 029 N-171 | i25a & i25b | Deuel | Riprap inslopes of Rest Area Lagoon and other Lagoon modifications. (Plans mailed 5-18-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2011 | 012-152 | i2c4 | Edmunds County | Emergency Grade Raise on US 12 East of Roscoe using Pit Run Material. Contact Mark Peterson for additional information and plans. | Abstract Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2011 | 020-168 | i24n | Codington County | Bridge Column Repair at the SD20/I-29 Interchange Exit 193. (Plans mailed 5-9-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2011 | 029 N-172, 029 S-172, 081-171, 081-171, 212-171, 012-172, 014 W-171, 014 E-171, & 014-171 | i26w, i26x, i26y, i26z, i27a, i27b, i27c, i27d, & | Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Hamlin, Grant & Roberts Counties | Spot Concrete Pavement Repair throughout the Watertown Area. (Plans mailed 5-9-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2011 | 020-151, 037-151, 010-151, 037-151, & 037-151 | i27r, i27s, i27t, i27v & i27w | Brown & Spink Counties | Repair Inslopes on SD10 and SD37 at various locations. (Plans Mailed 5-11-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2011 | 000I-171 | i27m | Aberdeen Region | FY2012 Region Wide Guardrail Repair Contract. (Plans to be mailed 5-2-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2011 | 012-151 & 012W-151 | i26p & i27q | Brown County | Install concrete ditch liner near the junction of US12 & US281 in Aberdeen. (Plans to be mailed 5-5-11.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/8/2011 | 010-151 | i26s | Brown County | Emergency Inslope Repair on SD10. | Abstract
10/12/2010 | 037-151, 010-152, 045-152 & 212-152 | i1zt, i1zu, i1zv & i1zw | Brown, Faulk, & McPherson Counties | Culvert Repair at various locations in the Aberdeen Area. (Plans mailed 9-30-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
10/1/2010 | 012 W-151 | i20f | Day County | Inslope repair along West Bound Lane on US 12, just west of Holmquist. (Plans to be mailed 9-20-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/23/2010 | IM 0294(54)121 | 01LT | Roberts County | Replace I29 Fence in Roberts County. (Plans to be mailed 8-30-10.) (Note-Prequalification of Bidders is Required.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/10/2010 | 020-192 | i1kw | Spink County | Riprap Guide Bank on SD20 at the James River. (Plans mailed 8-24-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/29/2010 | 010-151 | i1w0 | Brown County | Inslope Repair and Protection on SD Hwy 10 just East of Houghton. (Plans mailed 7-8-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/18/2010 | 000i-171 | i1v8 | Aberdeen Region | Annual Region Wide Guardrail Repair Contract. (Plans mailed 6-1-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/17/2010 | 410A232 | | Aberdeen Region SDDOT Complex | Asphalt Surfacing, Grading, Curb and Gutter, and Sanitary Sewer Replacement at the Aberdeen Region SDDOT Yard Complex. (Plans mailed 6-1-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2010 | 012-151 | i1ut | Day County | Repair inslope erosion with Riprap on US 12 across Rush Lake. (Plans mailed 5-11-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2010 | 037-151 | i1sv | Brown County | Inslope Repair on SD37 North of Groton. (Plans mailed 5-6-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2010 | 281 S-151, 012-151 & 012-152 | i1py, i1pz & i1qo | Brown & Edmunds Counties | Concrete Pavement Repair on US 12 and US 281. (Plans mailed 5-7-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2010 | 029 N-171, 029 S-171, 029N-172, 029 S-172, 014 W-171... | i1tk, i1tl, i1tm, i1tn.... | Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Hamlin, & Roberts Countities. | Concrete Pavement Repair on various routes. (Plans mailed 5-7-10.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
10/9/2009 | HR Z618(01) | 02JF | Roberts County | Supply, Install and Calibrate Weigh Scale at the Port of Entry North of Sisseton. (Plans to be mailed 9-24-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
10/2/2009 | IM 0296(30)157 | 01ZC | Deuel, Hamlin & Codington | Fence Replacement on I29 from Exit 157 to Exit 185. (Plans to be mailed 8-28-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/25/2009 | IM 0297(35)185 | 01ZD | Codington, Grant & Roberts | Fence Replacmeent on I29 from Exit 185 to Exit 213. (Plans to be mailed 8-28-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/26/2009 | 029 S-171 | i1gy | Deuel County | Repair Wastewater Lagoon at I-29 Hidewood Rest Area. (Plans mailed 6-3-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/26/2009 | 029 N-172 | i1gz | Roberts County | Repair Wastewater Lagoon at I-29 Whetstone Valley Rest Area. (Plans mailed 6-3-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/25/2009 | 281 S-151 & 281 N-151 | i1fz & i1g0 | Brown & Spink Counties | Replace Mainline Cross Pipe and Pipe Repair on US 281 South of Aberdeen. (Plans mailed 6-10-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/19/2009 | IM 0294(53)127 | 01LS | Brookings & Moody Counties | Replacement of Interstate Fencing. (Plans mailed 5-27-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/5/2009 | 00i-171 | i1ha | Aberdeen Region | Aberdeen Region Wide Guardrail Repair Contract. (Plans to be mailed 5-14-2009). | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/1/2009 | 014 E-191, 014 W-191 & 037-191 | i1eq, i1er & i1es | Beadle County | PCC Pavement Repair on US14 and SD37 in Huron. (Plans mailed on 4-13-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/3/2009 | 029 N-171, 029 S-171, 029 N-172, 029S-172, 014-171, 014 E-171, 014 W-171 & 212-171 | i16s, i16t, i16u, i16v, i16w, i16x, i16y, i16z, i1 | Brookings, Codington, Deuel & Roberts Counties | Spot Concrete Pavement Repair. (Plans to be mailed 3-17-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/27/2009 | 029 S-172 | i18z | Roberts County | Paint Picnic Shelters at I29 Rest Area. (Plans mailed on 3-13-09) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
2/27/2009 | 410A265 | | Watertown | Approach Slab to Cold Storage Building at Watertown SDDOT Maintenance Yard. | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/20/2009 | 212 E-171 | i1dd | Watertown | Replace Traffic Signal Cabinet Back Panel at US 212 and 29th Street. (Plans mailed 2-3-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
1/23/2009 | 012-151 | i1dc | Aberdeen | Replace Luminaire Pole Base Couplers on US12 (6th Ave) in Aberdeen. (Plans to be mailed 1-2-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1
1/23/2009 | PH-NH-EM 0081(30)155 | 01YZ | Codington County | Furnish Traffic Signal Poles, Mast Arms, Luminaire Extensions and Luminaire Poles. (Plans mailed 1-8-09.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
11/25/2008 | 411A450 | | Brown County | Furnish and Install Luminaire Poles at Aberdeen Region SDDOT Office Complex. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/16/2008 | P 0015(70)179 | 01X1 | Grant County | 144 Inch Corrugated Metal Pipe Repair, Riprap Installation and ROW | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/16/2008 | P 6608(02) | i0zf | Deuel County | Down Spout Restoration. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
9/12/2008 | IM 0296(29)164 | 01WY | HAMLIN COUNTY | Repair Impact Damage to I29 bridge over SD Hwy 22 in Hamlin County. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/5/2008 | 1571S | i1ag | Day County | 5000 Ton Deicing Sand Stockpile at Webster SDDOT Maintenance Yard. (Plans mailed 8-22-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/22/2008 | 029 S-172 | i18z | Roberts County | Sand Balst and Paint Picnic Shelter buildings and the Glacial Lakes (Victor) Interstate Rest Area. (Plans to be mailed 7-18-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
8/1/2008 | 029 N-172 | i19a | Roberts County | Remove and Replace Vanities at Whetstone Valley (Wilmot) Interstate Rest Area. (Plans to be mailed 7-18-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
7/25/2008 | 029 N-171, 029 S-171, 029 N-172, 029 S-172, 014-171, 014 E-171, 014 W-171, 081-171, 212-171 & 012-17 | i16s, i16t, i16u, i16v, i16w, i16x, i16y, i16z, i1 | Brookings, Codington, Deuel, Grant, Hamlin, Moody & Roberts Counties | Spot Concrete Pavement Repair. (Plans to be mailed 7-11-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/2/2008 | 010-172 | i0zd | Roberts County | Drain Tile Installation.
--------NO BIDS RECEIVED------- | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
7/2/2008 | 029 N-168, 029 S-168, 029 N-172 & 029 S-172 | i0zp | Codington, Grant & Roberts Counties | Bridge Deck Spall Repair on I29. (Plans mailed 6-12-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/27/2008 | 1951S & 1942S | i0ys & i0yr | Beadle & Hand Counties | Deicing Sand Stockpiles in Huron and Miller. (Plans mailed 6-11-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/27/2008 | 1581S | i0yx | Brown County | Deicing Sand Stockpile in Aberdeen. (Plans mailed 6-11-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/27/2008 | 1771S | i13h | Brookings County | Deicing Sand Stockpile in Brookings. (Plans mailed 6-11-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2008 | IM 0294(52)121 | 01LR | Brookings & Moody Counties | Fence Removal and Replacement on I29 from Exit 121 to Exit 132. (Plans to be mailed 4-30-08.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
12/7/2007 | NH 0212(135)379 | 01NV | Watertown | Furnish Traffic Signal Poles, Mast Arms and Luminaire Extensions. (Plans to be mailed 11-15-07.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
12/7/2007 | 029 N-171 | i0ur | Aberdeen Region | Regionwide Guardrail Repair Contract. (Plans to be mailed 11-9-07.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/12/2007 | 281-192 | i0q8 | Spink County | Slope Repair on US281 North of Tulare. (Plans to be mailed 8-29-07.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/7/2007 | 1771S | i0sy | Brookings | 5,000 Tons Deicing Sand Stockpile at Brookings SDDOT Yard. (Plans to be mailed 8-17-07.) | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/7/2007 | 012 E-151 | i0sl | Brown County | Inslope Repair and Erosion Protection. (Plans mailed 8-21-07). | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/7/2007 | 029 S-172 | i0t4 | Roberts County | Upgrade Lighting for the Teepee at the Victor Rest Area. (Plans mailed 8-21-07.) | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/7/2007 | 029 S-172, 029 S-171 & 029 N-171 | it08, i0t9 & i0ta | Roberts & Deuel Counties | Replace Vanities and Drinking Fountians at the Hidewood and Victor Rest Areas on I29. (Plans to be mailed 8-22-07.) Electronic plans will not be available for this project. | Abstract Apparent Low Bidders
7/23/2007 | 410A235 | | Brookings | Abrasive Storage Shed at new Brookings Maintenance Complex. | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
7/13/2007 | 212-171, 029 N-171, 029 S-171, 014-171, 081-171, 029 N-172, 029 S-172, 010-172 & 014-171 | i0p9, i0pb, i0pa, i0pc, i0pd, i0pp, i0pq, i0pr & i | Brookings, Moody, Codington, Deuel, Hamlin, Grant & Roberts Counties | Spot PCC Pavement Repair throughout the Watertown Area. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/13/2007 | BRF 0027( )224 | 01AX | Marshall County | Install Twin 12'x8' Precast Concrete Box Culvert on SD27 6 miles South of Britton. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/1/2007 | 014 E-191, 014 W-191 7 037-191 | i0nb, i0nc & i0np | Beadle County | PCC Pavement Repair on US14 and SD37 in Huron. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/18/2007 | 014-168, 034-168, 045-168, 212-168, 027-168 & 010-168 | i0ny, i0nz, i0p0, i0p1, i0p2, i0p3, i0p4, i0p5, i0 | Beadle, Buffalo, Hand, Spink, Day & Marshall Counties | BRIDGE DECK EPOXY CHIP SEAL & BENT CAP RISER REPAIR. (Plans mailed on 4-30-07.) | Abstract Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/18/2007 | 212-192 | i0nm | Redfield | Traffic Signal Repair - Replace Pedestrian Signal Heads and Pedestrian Push Buttons. (Plans mailed 4-27-07.) | Abstract Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2007 | 029S-171, 029N-171, 029S-172, 029N-172 & 014-192 | i0nd, i0ne, i0nf, i0ng, i0nh & i0nL | Roberts, Deuel, Moody & Hand Counties | Cold Applied Plastic Pavement Marking installation at 5 Interstate Rest Areas and on US14 in Miller. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/30/2007 | 1761S | i0n6 | Codington County | 10,000 Ton Deicing Sand Stockpile at Watertown SDDOT Yard. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/30/2007 | 1971S & 1981S | i0n5 & i0n4 | Clark & Kingsbury Counties | Deicing Sand Stockpiles at DeSmet SDDOT Maintenance Yard (3,000 Ton) and Clark SDDOT Maintenance Yard (5,000 Ton). | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/23/2007 | 212 W-171 | i0L9 | Codington County | Remove Median Crossing on US212 in Watertown. | Abstract Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
12/15/2006 | 029 N-171 | i0ky | Aberdeen Region | Annual Region Wide Guardrail Repair Contract. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
10/13/2006 | 029 N-171 | | Moody County | Ward Rest Area Vanity Removal and Replacement. | Abstract Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/11/2006 | 014-191 | i0j3 | Beadle County | Repair Guardrail damaged by tornado South of Wolsey. | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders