Letting Date | Project Number | PC# | Project Location | Description | Available Documents |
12/10/2024 | 0009-452 | | 5801 South Hwy 79 | Demolition and removal of a 40 ft by 120 ft. 3 side building at the DOT South Yard - 5801 South Hwy 79 | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/19/2024 | 016-491 | i7pk | Hwy 16 near Keystone Wye | High Friction Surface Treatment at Spot Locations on Hwy 16 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
8/15/2024 | 385-451 | i7eg | Hwy 385 near Lead | Erosion Repair on Hwy 385 near Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/9/2024 | 000P-471 | i7jx | Hwy 85 and Hwy 34 in Belle Fourche | Hwy 85 and Hwy 34 Intersection Signal Reconfiguration in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/2/2024 | 0009-451 | i7kg | Sturgis Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Paving at Sturgis Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/18/2024 | 000P-491 | i7lu, i7lv & i7lw | Custer and Fall River Counties | Contractor pickup of road kill deer/animals | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/28/2024 | 014A-451 | i7k0 | Hwy 14A near Cheyenne Crossing | Asphalt Repair on Hwy 14A near Cheyenne Crossing | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/28/2024 | 016EB-452 & 016WB-452 | i7k1 & i7k2 | Hwy 16B near Rapid City | Asphalt Pavement Repair on Hwy 16B near Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2024 | 085-471 | i7el | Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | US 85 Road Closed Sign | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2024 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i7k7, i7k8, i7k9 | Rapid City Regionwide | Guardrail Repair at various locations on a demand basis in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/21/2024 | 085-471 | i7em | Hwy 85 near Buffalo | Cattle Pass Extensions on Hwy 85 near Buffalo | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2024 | 014A-451 & 473-451 | i7k3 & i7hy | Hwy 14A and Hwy 473 | Erosion Repair and Curb & Gutter on Hwy 14A and Hwy 473 in Lawrence Co. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/14/2024 | 000I-452 | i7jl | I-90 Rapid City Region | Contractor pick up roadkill deer/antelope/large animal and debris on I-90 from mile marker 0.0 to mile marker 130.3 | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
5/14/2024 | 000P-451 | i7jk | | Contractor pick up of road kill deer/antelope/large animals and debris on state highways in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
5/2/2024 | 079-471 & 212-471 | i7ht & i7hu | Hwy 79 and Hwy 212 | Signing Upgrade on Hwy 79 and Hwy 212 in Belle Fourche Area | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/18/2024 | 231N-452 & 231S-452 | i7er & i7et | Hwy 231 near Black Hawk | Replace Freme & Grate, Pipe Culvert, and Curb & Gutter on Hwy 231 near Black Hawk | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/28/2024 | 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i7hm & i7hn | Oglala Lakota County | Control growth of declared weeds in Oglala Lakota County, SDDOT Right-Of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/28/2024 | 000P-491, 000N-491, 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i7hh, i7hj., i7hk & i7hl | Custer County | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County, SD DOT Right-Of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/28/2024 | 034-451 | i7en | Hwy 34 eat of Sturgis | Pipe Repair on Hwy 34 east of Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
3/26/2024 | 231-452 | i7ec | Hwy 231 in Rapid City | Pavement and Pipe Repair on Hwy 231 in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/21/2024 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i7hf & i7hg | Perkins County | Control growth of declared weeds in Perkins County, SD DOT Right-Of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/21/2024 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i7hc, i7hd & i7he | Harding County | Control growth of declared weeks in Harding County, SD DOT Right-Of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/21/2024 | 000P-471 & 000N-471 | i7h9 & i7ha | Butte County | Control growth of declared weeds in Butte County, SD DOT Right-Of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/27/2024 | 000P-471 | i7dj | Hwy 85 south of Belle Fourche | Construct a bus pullout on Hwy 85 south of Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/14/2023 | 000P-469 | I61D | various locations in Pennington County | Install signal cabinet & controllers and school zone flashing beacons at various location in Pennington County | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
10/24/2023 | 040-492 | i7cp | Hwy 40 near Hermosa | Asphalt Concrete Crack Sealing on Hwy 40 near Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
10/5/2023 | 090E-452 & 090W-452 | i70L & i70M | Wasta Rest Area | Landscaping at Wasta Rest Areas | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/19/2023 | 090W-451 | i79v | I90 W - mile 32 | Luminaire Footing Repairs on I90W - mile 32 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/14/2023 | 410D411 | i7ax | Drivers License Office in Rapid City | ADA Improvements, Concrete Repair, Sidewalk, C&G and Pavement Marking | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2023 | 000P-491 | i70a, i70c, i70d | Custer & Fall River | Pick up of road kill deer/small animals in
Custer and Fall River Counties | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2023 | 034-451 | i77t | Hwy 34 | Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete, Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Pavement Marking on Hwy 34 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2023 | 085N-471, 085S-471, 085-471 & 079-471 | i70v, i70w, i70x & i70y | Hwy 85 and Hwy 79 | Erosion Repairs on Hwy 85 and Hwy 79 near Belle Fourche and Newell | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2023 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i77g, i77h & i77j | various locations in Rapid City Region | Guardrail Repair on a Demand Basis at Various Locations in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2023 | 000N-469 | i6y1 | SD34 & Glencoe Dr. | Signal Refurbishment at SD34 and Glencoe Dr. near Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2023 | 000P-471 | i78c | Hwy 85 and Hwy 212 | Pavement Marking Improvement on Hwy 85 and Hwy 212 near Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/11/2023 | 079S-492 & 385N-492 | i76d & i76e | Hwy 79 and Hwy 385 | Concrete Repair on Hwy 79 and Hwy 385 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2023 | 212-471 | i6x1 | Hwy 212 | Channel cleanout on Hwy 212 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1
5/2/2023 | 000P-452 | i76f, i76g & i76h | Rapid City Region | Contractor pick up of road kill deer/antelope/large and small animals on state highways | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/27/2023 | 000N-451 | i74f | Hwy 14A | Hazard Tree Removal on Hwy 14A | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/25/2023 | 018-492 | i6tm | Hwy 18 near Pine Ridge | Erosion Repair on Hwy 18 near Pine Ridge | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/20/2023 | 000N-451 | i75w | Hwy 473 near Terry Peak | Guardrail Repair on Hwy 473 near Terry Peak | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/6/2023 | 016W-452 | i71u | Hwy 16W near Catron Blvd. | Asphalt Concrete Repair on Hwy 16W near Catron Blvd. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/30/2023 | 000N-491 | i70r | Hwy 16A in Custer | ADA Improvements on Hwy 16A in Custer | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/30/2023 | 016-491 | i71q | Hwy 16 near Keystone Wye | Pavement Repair on Hwy 16 near Keystone Wye | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/28/2023 | 018-492 | i74g | Hwy 18 near Edgemont | Asphalt and Subgrade Repair on Hwy 18 near Edgemont | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/23/2023 | 034-151 | i71r | Hwy 34 east of Sturgis | Asphalt Repair on Hwy 34 east of Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/16/2023 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i75r & i75t | Perkins County | Control growth of declared weeds in Perkins County SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/16/2023 | 000P-491, 000N-491, 000P-492 & 000P-492 | i75g, i75h, i75j, i75l | Custer Countuy | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/16/2023 | 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i75p & i75q | Oglala Lakota County | Control growth of declared weeds in Oglala Lakota County SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/16/2023 | 000P-471 & 000N-471 | i75e & i75f | Butte County | Control growth of declared weeds in Butte County SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/16/2023 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i75l, i75m & i75n | Harding County | Control growth of declared weeds in Harding County SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/14/2023 | 410D409 | i6xt | SD DOT Region Complex | Asphalt Concrete Paving at SD DOT Rapid City Complex | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/14/2023 | 090E-452 | i6yd | I-90E near Wall | PCC Pavement Repair on I-90E near Wall | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/9/2023 | 085-451 | i70T | Hwy 85 near Cheyenne Crossing | Asphalt Concrete Repair on Hwy 85 near Cheyenne Crossing | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/2/2023 | 090W-451 | i6ym | I-90 W near Exit 32 | Curb and Gutter & Erosion Control on I-90W near Exit 32 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
2/9/2023 | 0009-451, 0009-452 & 0009-467 | | Rapid City & Deadwood Maintenance Shops | Remove and Replace garage doors at Rapid City and Deadwood Maintenance Shops | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Addendum 3 Apparent Low Bidders
1/5/2023 | PS 0085(118)55 | 08V3 | RR Crossing in Belle Fourche | Traffic Control for RR Crossing Repair in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
12/29/2022 | 000P-471 | i6x2 | Hwy 212 in Belle Fourche | Road Closed Sign on Hwy 212 in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
12/22/2022 | 244-491 | i6kw | Hwy 244 near Hill City | Rock Scaling on Hwy 244 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
12/20/2022 | 085-471 & 079-471 | i6x8 & i6x9 | Hwy 85 and Hwy 79 near Belle Fourche | Culvert Joint Sealing and Void FIiling on Hwy 85 and Hwy 79 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/23/2022 | 000I-452 | i6wf & i6wg | I-90 mrm 37-67 | Night Winter Road Inspections and Snow & Ice Control Services on I-90 | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/23/2022 | 000I-451 | i6wd & i6we | I-90 mrm 0-44 | Night Winter Road Inspection and Snow & Ice Control Services on I-90 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/24/2022 | 090E-451 | i6tg | I-90 near Spearfish | Snow Fence along I-90 near Spearfish | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/19/2022 | 385S-492 | i6k7 | Hwy 385S near Oelrichs | Erosion Repair on Hwy 385S near Oelrichs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/17/2022 | 000I-451 & 000I-452 | i6tn & i6tp | I90 from Exit 40 thru Rapid City | Contractor pick up garbage along I-90 from Exit 40 thru Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/5/2022 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i6rg, i6rj & i6rh | various locations | Guardrail Repair at Various Locations on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/3/2022 | 016EB-452, 385-492, 079S-492 & 018W-492 | i6rp, i6rm, i6rn & i6rl | various locations | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/26/2022 | 034-451 | i6rk | Hwy 34 in Sturgis | Curb & Gutter Repair on Hwy 34 in Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/26/2022 | 090EF-452 | i6rd | I90 Service road near Piedmont | Asphalt Repair on I90 Service Road near Piedmont | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/26/2022 | 014A-468 | i6rq | Hwy 14A in Deadwood | Bridge Deck Repair on Hwy 14A in Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2022 | 473-451 | i6r9 | Hwy 473 near Terry Peak | Asphalt Pavement Repair on Hwy 473 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2022 | 090E-452 & 090W-452 | i6r7 & i6r8 | I-90 | Asphalt Patching on I-90 near Wasta | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/19/2022 | 000P-492, 000N-492 | i6nx & i6ny | various locations | Lighting Repair at various locations in Fall river & Oglala Lakota Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
4/14/2022 | 000I-469, 000P-469 & 000N-469 | i6t6, i6t7 & i6t8 | Regionwide | Located and mark SDDOT owned utilities in the Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/12/2022 | 090E-451 & 090W-451 | i6n4 & i6n5 | I90 Sturgis-Whitewood | Asphalt Shoulder Joint Repair on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/7/2022 | 000P-452 | i6n6 | various routes | Pick-up of road kill deer/antelope/large animals on various routes | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/7/2022 | 000I-452 | i6n9, i6na & i6nc | I-90 from 0.0-130.0 | Pick-up of road kill deer/antelope/large and small animals on I-90 | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/5/2022 | 016-468 | i6p4 | Hwy 16 west of Custer | RCBC Wingwall Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/5/2022 | 089-491 | i6k6 | Hwy 89 near Custer | Ditch Grading on Hwy 89 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2022 | 410D404 | i6L0 | Rapid City SD DOT Complex | Concrete Repair at Rapid City SD DOT Complex | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/30/2022 | P 0244(11)27 | 08UD | Hwy 244 | Pre-purchase Structural Steel for use on Hwy 244 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/29/2022 | 079N-492 | i6k8 | Hwy 79N near Hermosa | Erosion Repair on Hwy 79 N near Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/24/2022 | 385-451, 016WEB-452, 090W-452 | i6m0, i6lx & i6ly | various locations | Erosion Control at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000P-471 & 000N-471 | i6pl & i6pm | various locations in Butte County | Control growth of declared weeds in Butte County SD DOT ROW | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000P-491, 000N-491, 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i6pn, i6pp, i6pq, i6pr | various locations in Custer County | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County SD DOT ROW | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000P-471, 000N-491 & 000N-472 | i6pt, i6pu, i6pv | varous locations in Harding County | Control growth of declared weeds in Harding County, SD DOT ROW | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i6pw & i6px | various locations in Oglala Lakota County | Control growth of declared weeds in Oglala Lakota County SDDOT ROW | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/22/2022 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i6py & i6p0 | various locations in Perkins County | Control growth of declared weeds in Perkins County SDDOT ROW | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
3/15/2022 | 085-451 | i6lt | Hwy 85 in Lead | Remove and Replace Wood Fence on Hwy 85 in Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
1/20/2022 | IM 0901(J5)351 | 08CU | I-90 Exit 37 | Pre-purchase Structural Steel for use on I-90 Exit 37 - Pleasant Valley Road | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
12/14/2021 | 0009-451 | | Spearfish Rest Area | Picnic Shelter Roof Preservation and Glu-Lam Beam Replacement at Spearfish Rest Area on I-90 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/22/2021 | 085N-471 | i6h5 | | Erosion Repair on Hwy 85N in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/22/2021 | 085-451 | i62e | Hwy 85 in Lead | Retaining Wall Backfill Repair on Hwy 85 in Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/1/2021 | 079N-492 | i6h6 | Hwy 79 N | PCC Pavement Repair on Hwy 79N | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2021 | 014A-451 & 044-452 | i61l & i61k | | Scaling of Rock Slopes on Hwy 14A and Hwy 44 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2021 | 385-451 | i6ae | Hwy 385 | Erosion Repair on Hwy 385 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2021 | 073-472 | i62d | Hwy 73 - Perkins County | Bump Repair on Hwy 73 in Perkins County | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2021 | 085-471 | i6cd | Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | Pedestrian Crossing on Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/25/2021 | 000I-452 | i6hd, i6he & i6hf | I90 | Contractor pickup of road kill deer/large animals and debris on I90 from MP 0-130 | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2021 | 079-468 | i68g | Hwy 79 in Rapid City | Bridge Deck Spall Repair on Hwy 79 in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/13/2021 | 14A-451 & 090EF-452 | i6fu & i6fv | Hwy 14A & Hwy 90 EF | Asphalt Repair on Hwy 14A and 09EF | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2021 | 090E-451 | i6fk | I-90 east Exit 14, Exit 30 and Exit 32 | Curb & Gutter and Erosion Repair on I90E | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/29/2021 | 385-451 | i6cg | Hwy 385 near Lawrence County line | Asphalt Patching on Hwy 385 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/27/2021 | 385N-492, 018W-492, 018-492, 385-492, 079S-492, 016-491 & 385-491 | i6fl, i6fm, i6fn, i6fp, i6fq, i6fr & i6ft | various locations | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/22/2021 | 000P-491 & 000P-492 | i6gt, i6gu, i6gv & i6gw | various routes in Custer & Fall River County | Contractor pick up of roadkill deer and animals on various routes | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/13/2021 | 212-471 | i68q | Hwy 212 in Belle Fourche | Drainage Improvements on Hwy 212 in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/8/2021 | 090EF-451 | i6c7 | I90 frontage road near Summerset | Erosion Repair on I90 Frontage Road near Summerset | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/8/2021 | 018-492 | i6ck | Hwy 18 in Hot Springs | Asphalt and Subgrade Repair on Hwy 18 in Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/8/2021 | 034-451 | i68p | Hwy 34 in Sturgis | Drainage Channel Repair on Hwy 34 in Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/8/2021 | 016E-452 | i6cm | Hwy 16E in Rapid City | Remove Runaway truck Ramp on Hwy 16 in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/25/2021 | 016B-452 | i6c4 | Hwy 16B in Rapid City | Erosion Repair on Hwy 16B in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/23/2021 | 040-491 | i6cj | Hwy 40 near Keystone | Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete and Asphalt Concrete Overlay on Hwy 40 near Keystone | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/23/2021 | 071-492 | i6c8 | Hwy 71 south of Hot Springs | Asphalt and Curb & Gutter Repair on Hwy 71 south of Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
3/18/2021 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i6df, i6dg & i6dh | Harding County various locations | Control growth of declared weeds in Harding County, SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/18/2021 | 000P--472 & 000N-472 | i6dj & i6dk | Perkins County - various locations | Control growth of declared weeds in Perkins County, SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/18/2021 | 000P-471 & 000N-471 | i6dd & i6de | Butte County - various locations | Control growth of declared weeds in Butte County, SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/16/2021 | 000P-491, 000N-491, 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i6cr, i6ct, i6cu & i6cv | Custer County - various locations | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County, SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/16/2021 | 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i6cp & i6cq | Oglala Lakota County - various locations | Control growth of declared weeds in Oglala Lakota County, SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Plans Apparent Low Bidders
1/5/2021 | 085-451 | i67u | Hwy 85 near Lead | Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
10/15/2020 | 016A-491 | i66t | Hwy 16A near Keystone | Pipe Lining on Hwy 16A near Keystone | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/24/2020 | 016-491 | i62f | Hwy 16 between Hill City and Custer | Erosion Repair on Hwy 16 between Hill City and Custer | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
8/27/2020 | 079S-452 | i65l | Hwy 79 S of Rapid City | PCC Pavement Replacement Around Scale Pit | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/30/2020 | 000I-469 | i61c | I-90 near Black Hawk | Widen Median Shoulder, Reset Guardrail and Install High Tension Cable Guardrail between Service Road and Interstate 90 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/9/2020 | 190S-452 | i5px | I-190S in Rapid City | Retaining Wall on I-190S in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/2/2020 | 000P-492 | i5ca | Hwy 385 near Nebraska line | Snow Fence on Hwy 385 near Nebraska line | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/30/2020 | 090E-452 | i5p4 | I90 near Box Elder | Asphalt Repair on I90 near Box Elder | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
6/25/2020 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i64f, i64g & i64h | | Guardrail Repair at various locations in RC Region | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/18/2020 | 000P-469 | i5xh | Hwy 16 B | Advance Warning Flasher on Hwy 16B | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/4/2020 | 085-451, 014A-451 & 385-451 | i63t, i63u & i63v | various locations in Lawrence County | Removal of Hazard Trees at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/28/2020 | 000P-452 | i63p, i63q, & i63r | Various routes | Contractor pick-up of road kill deer and animals | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/28/2020 | 018W-492 & 385N-492 | i62r & i62q | Hwy 18 and Hwy 385 near Oelrichs | Shoulder Repair on Hwy 18 and Hwy 385 near Oelrichs | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/21/2020 | 089-491 | i62h | Hwy 89 | Pipe Installation on Hwy 89 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/21/2020 | 044-452 | i5ny | Hwy 44 near Scenic | Asphalt Repair on Hwy 44 near Scenic | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/19/2020 | 385N-492, 016-491 & 090E-452 | i63g, i63h & i63j | various routes in RC Region | Pavement Foam Jacking on various routes | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/14/2020 | 385-451 | i5nv | Hwy 385 near Deadwood | Asphalt Repair on Hwy 385 near Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/14/2020 | 016-491 | i5l0 | Hwy 16 near Wyoming line | PCC Pavement Repair on Hwy 16 near Wyoming line | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2020 | 085-471 | i5vq | Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | Shoulder Repair on Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2020 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-492 | i6tn, i6tp, i6tq & i6tr | various locations in Custer County | Weed Spraying in SD DOT Right-of-Way in Custer County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2020 | 000P-471 & 000N-471 | i61w & i61x | various locations in Perkins County | Weed Spraying in SD DOT Right-of-Way in Perkins County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2020 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i6tt, i6tu & i6tv | Various locations in Harding County | Weed Spraying in SD DOT Right-of-Way in Harding County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
1/9/2020 | 000P-492 | i5gx | Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Cattle Pass Floor Leveling on Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
12/5/2019 | 016A-491 | i5tt | Hwy 16A in Custer | Crosswalk - Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
11/5/2019 | 34571S | i5tu | Rapid City South Yard | Sand Stockpile Rapid City South Yard | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
10/24/2019 | 087-491 & 016-491 | i5t0 & it51 | Hwy87 and Hwy 16 | Pipe Repair on Hwy 87 and Hwy 16 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
9/5/2019 | 079-471 | i5qf | Hwy 79 near Newell | Slide and Erosion Repair on Hwy 79 near Newell | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/23/2019 | 090E-452, 090W-452 & 016B-452 | i5hx, i5hy & i5r2 | various routes | Curb & Gutter and Erosion Control at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/2/2019 | 034-451, 090E-451, 090W-451, 090E-451, 385-451, 014A-451 & 085-451 | i5nq, i5nt, i5nr, i5nu, i5nv, i5nw & i5nx | various routes in Rapid City Area | Asphalt Repair on various routes in Rapid City Area | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/27/2019 | 014A-451 | i5pv | Hwy 14A in Deadwood | Bridge Deck Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/20/2019 | 000I-452 | i5q3, i5q5, i5q7 | I-90 Rapid City | Night Winter Road Inspection and Snow & Ice Control Services | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/11/2019 | 0009-469 | i5qa & i5qc | various routes in RC Region | Contractor pickup of road kill deer/animals and debris on various routes in RC Region | Abstract Proposal
6/11/2019 | 0009-469 | i5qd & i5qe | I-90 in RC Region | Contractor pickup of road kill deer/animals and debris on I90 from mrm 0.0-130.0 | Abstract Proposal
6/4/2019 | 034-451, 090E-451, 090W-451, 090E-451, 385-451, 014A-451, 085-451, 044-452, 240-452, 090W-452, 090WF | i5nq, i5nr, i5nt, i5nu, i5nv, i5nw, i5nx, i5ny, | various locations in RC Region | Asphalt Repair at various location in RC Region | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2019 | 410D396 | i5jq | Hot Springs Maint Yard | Reconstruct Hot Springs Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2019 | 016-491 | i5lo | Hwy 16 near Custer | PCC Pavement Repair on Hwy 16 near Custer | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2019 | 016W-452 | i5eu | Hwy 16W in Rapid City | Curb & Gutter, Grading and Erosion Repair on Hwy 16W in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2019 | 016EB-452, 016WB-452, 079N-452, 190N-452 & 016-491 | i5pc, i5pd, i5pe, i5pf & i5pg | various locations in Rapid City Area | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations in Rapid City Area | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2019 | 014A-451 & 034-451 | i5j0 & i5j1 | Hwy 14A near Deadwood and Hwy 34 near Sturgis | Curb & Gutter and Erosion Control | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2019 | 090W-451, 190N-452, 190S-452, 016W-452, 044-452, 044W-452 & 044E-452 | i5m7, i5mc, i5mg, i5mh, i5mj, i5mk, i5ml & i5mm | various locations in Rapid City Area | Concrete Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2019 | 018-492 & 018B-492 | i5nn & i5np | Hwy 18 and Hwy 18B near Hot Springs | Curb & Gutter Replacement | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/9/2019 | 018B-492 | i5gy | Hwy 18B near Hot Springs | Install Right Turn Lane on Hwy 18B near Not Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/9/2019 | 089-492 | i5n2 | Hwy 89 near Pringle | Guardrail Removal and Inslope Flattening on Hwy 89 near Pringle | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/23/2019 | 014A-451, 085-451 & 044-452 | i5ct, i5cu, i5jp | various locations | Scaling of Rock Slopes at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2019 | 0009-452 | i5hw | Rapid City DOT Maintenance Yard | Bollards in Rapid city DOT Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2019 | 016A-491 | i5hr | Hwy 16A near Keystone | Curb & Gutter, Drop Inlets and Erosion Control on Hwy 16A near Keystone | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2019 | 085-451 | i5em | Hwy 85 near Lead | Sidewalk, ADA upgrades, Retaining Wall and Railings on Hwy 85 near Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2019 | 385-451 | i5hp | Hwy 385 near Lead | Erosion Repair on Hwy 385 near Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/9/2019 | 018W-492 & 385N-492 | i5ht & i5hu | Hwy 18 and Hwy 385 near Oelrichs | Shoulder Repair on Hwy 18 and Hwy 385 near Oelrichs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/28/2019 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-491 | i5jg, i5jh, i5jj & i5jk | Custer County | Weed Spray in SD DOT ROW - Custer County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
3/28/2019 | 000P-471 & 000N-471 | i5je & i5jf | Perkins County | Weed Spray in SD DOT ROW - Perkins County | Abstract Proposal
3/28/2019 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i5ja, i5jc & i5jd | Harding County | Weed Spray in SD DOT ROW - Harding County | Abstract Proposal
3/28/2019 | 445-452 | i5j4 | SD445 - Deadwood Ave in Rapid City | Replacement of One Wooden Span Wire Pole | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/19/2019 | 000I-451 & 000P-452 | i5gh & i5gk | | Sign Repair on I90 in Lawrence County and SD79 in Pennington County | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/26/2019 | 0009-471 | i5ga | Belle Fourche Maintenance Yard | Stockpile Removal in Belle Fourche Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/19/2019 | 090E-452 & 090W-452 | i5gf & i5gg | Wasta Rest Area | Wasta Rest Area PCCP Repair and Sidewalk | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
10/30/2018 | 034-471 | i5et | Hwy 34 near St. Onge | Snow Fence Repair on Hwy 34 near St. Onge | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
10/11/2018 | 090E-451 | i5ev | Northern Hills Rest Area | Northern Hills Rest Area Sidewalk and PCCP Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
9/6/2018 | 020-471 | i5ek | Hwy 20 hear Camp Crook | Asphalt Concrete Repair on Hwy 20 near Camp Crook | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
8/30/2018 | 016WB-452 | i5ea | Hwy 16WB near Hwy 16 intersection | PCC Pavement Grinding on Hwy 16WB near Hwy 16 intersection | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
8/9/2018 | 014A-451 & 016WB-452 | i5e9 & i5ea | Hwy 14A near Deadwood and Hwy 16WB (Catron Blvd.) | Bridge Deck and PCC Pavement Grinding | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/19/2018 | 014A-451 & 085-451 | i5ct & i5cu | Hwy 14A & Hwy 85 | Scaling of rock slopes near Deadwood and Central City | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/19/2018 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i5dd, i5de & i5df | Regionwide | Guardrail Repair at various locations on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
7/3/2018 | 089-492 | i59j | Hyy 89 near Pringle | Culvert repair on Hwy 89 near Pringle | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/3/2018 | 014A-451 | i59y | Hwy 14A near Deadwood | Curb & Gutter and Erosion Control on Hwy 14A near Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/3/2018 | 000I-451 & 000I-452 | i5ar, i5au, i5aw, i5ax | | Contractor pick up of road kill deer/antelope/animals & debris along I90 | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/3/2018 | 000P-491, 000N-491, 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i5cc, i5cd, i5ce, i5cf, i5cg, i5ch, i5cj, i5ck | | Contractor pick up of road kill deer/antelope/animals/debris on various routes in Custer Area | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/12/2018 | 410D392 | i4rh | Belle Fourche Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Surfacing, Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk, Culvert Extension, & Holding Pond Excavation in Belle Fourche Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
6/12/2018 | 090W-451 | i5ac | I90 near Whitewood | Erosion Control on I90W near Whitewood | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/12/2018 | 014A-451 | i5ad | Hwy 14A near Central City | Asphalt Repair and Curb & Gutter on Hwy 14A near Central City | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/12/2018 | 018-492 | i5ap | Hwy 18 in Pine Redge | Curb & Gutter and Sidewalk on Hwy 18 in Pine Ridge | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/5/2018 | 231N-452 | i4xa | Hwy 231N near I90 Exit 52 | Median Drainage on Hwy 231N near I90 Exit 52 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
6/5/2018 | 016W-452 | i5a3 | Hwy 16 south of Rapid City | Asphalt Concrete Repair on Hwy 16 south of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/5/2018 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i5a4, i5a5, i5a6 | various locations in Belle Fourche Area | Snow Fence Repair at various locations in Belle Fourche Area | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/31/2018 | 018-492 | i5a0 | Hot Springs | Type C Retaining Wall in Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/31/2018 | 212-468, 212-468, 085-468 & 073-468 | i54r, i54t, i54q, i54u | varioius locations in Belle Area | Mill and Overlay Bridge Ends and Pipe Crossing | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
5/31/2018 | 471-492 | i5a1 | Hwy 471 near Rumford | Gravel Resurfacing on Hwy 471 near Rumford | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
5/29/2018 | 000I-451 | i54n | I90 near Whitewood | Permanent Logo Signs, Breakaway Bases and Footings | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/29/2018 | 018-492, 018-492, 385-491, 385-492 & 079N-492 | i58u, i58v, i58w, i58x, i58y | various locations in Custer Area | PCC Pavement Repair at various locations in Custer Area | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/8/2018 | 090E-452, 090W-452, 016EB-452, 016WB-452, 445-452, 090W-451, 085-451, 079S-492, 079N-492, 385N-492, | i58d, i58e, i58g, i58h, i58j, i58k, i58l, i58m, | various locations in Rapid City Region | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/19/2018 | 34962S | i57m | Keystone Wye Yard | Sand stockpile at Keystone Wye Yard | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/3/2018 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i51w, i51x, i51y | various routes | Weed spray, control growth of declared noxious weeds in State Right of Way in Harding County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/3/2018 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i52a& i52c | | Weed spray, control growth of noxious weeds in State Right-of-Way in Perkins County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
4/3/2018 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-491 | i55u, i55v, i55w, i55x | | Weed spray, control growth of noxious weeds in State Right-of-Way in Custer County | Abstract Proposal Prospective Bidders List
2/6/2018 | 016WB-452 | i4x1 | Hwy 16B near intersection of Hwy 16 | Median Modifications, Lighting, Signals and Pavement Marking | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/30/2017 | 085-451 & 014A-451 | i4tx & i4ty | Hwy 85 and Hwy 14A | Tree Clearing on Hwy 85 and Hwy 14A
in Lawrence County | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/30/2017 | 090E-452 | i4xq | I90 eastbound mp 116 | Remove and Replace PCC Pavement on I90 E mp 116 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
11/30/2017 | 016WB-452 | i4yn | South Yard on Hwy 79 S of Rapid City | Furnish Traffic Signal Pole | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
10/3/2017 | 240-468 | i4gh | Hwy 240 at I90 Exit 109 | Bridge Repair Hwy 240 at I90 Exit 109 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/7/2017 | 190-452 | i4wv | I-190 Central High School to Rapid Creek Bridge | Sidewalk (Central High School to Rapid Creek Bridge) on I190 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
8/11/2017 | 014A-451, 034-451, 016W-452, 090E-452, & 044-452 | i4ua, i4uc, i4ud, i4ue & i4uh | various locations | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
8/3/2017 | 018E-492 | i4vd | Hwy 18 E south of Maverick Jct. | Erosion Control and Guardrail on Hwy 18E south of Maverick Junction | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
7/18/2017 | PP 8052(70) | 05JW | 6th Street in Rapid City | Railroad Crossing Upgrades at 6th Street in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/18/2017 | PP 1701(14) | 05JX | West Boulevard in Rapid City | Railroad Crossing Upgrades at West Boulevard in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/6/2017 | P TAPR(07) | 04ue | Whitewood | PCC Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter, Storm Sewer, Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Pavement Marking in Whitewood | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/30/2017 | 000I-451, 000I-452, 000I-451 & 000I-452 | i4vf, i4vg, i4vh & i4vj | I-90 | Contractor pick up of road kill deer/antelope/ large animals & pick up of road kill animals (non-deer)and miscellaneous debris on I90 from MRM 0 to MRM 130.3 | Abstract Proposal
6/22/2017 | 410D394 | i4tv | Rapid City Region Yard | PCCP and Drainage Improvements at SD DOT Region Office Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2017 | 016-491, 018W-492, 079N-492 & 385N-492 | i4r1, i4r4, i4r5 & i4r6 | various locations | PCC Pavement Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2017 | 085S-471 & 085N-471 | i4rm & i4rn | Hwy 85 near Belle Fourche | Erosion Repair on Hwy 85 near Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2017 | 073-472 | i4tw | Hwy 73 near Faith | Erosion Repair on Hwy 73 near Faith | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
6/6/2017 | 018-492 | i4ru & i4rw | Hwy 18 near Oglala | Approach Slab Repair & Erosion Repair on Hwy 18 near Oglala | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2017 | 016E-491 | i4rr | Hwy 16 near Keystone | Pipe Replacement on Hwy 16 near Keystone | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2017 | 014-452, 014A-451, 034-451, 034E-451, 034W-451, 044-452, 079-471, 090E-451 & 090W-451 | i4tc, i4td, i4te, i4tf, i4tg, i4th, i4tj, i4tk, i4 | various locations | Cleanout Pipe Culverts at various locations in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2017 | 212-471 | i4m7 | Hwy 212 near Newell | Subgrade Repair & Box Culvert Joint Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2017 | 000I-469 | i4tp | I90 near Piedmont | Remove and Reset Guardrail & Install Glare Screen on I90 near Piedmont | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2017 | 090E-452 & 090W-452 | i4tq & i4tr | various locations on I90 | Topsoil & Seed - various locations on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/30/2017 | 016E-452 & 016W-452 | i4tt & i4tu | various locations on Hwy 16 | Topsoil & Seed - various locations on Hwy 16 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2017 | NH 085(00)36 | 0630 | Exit 17 - Spearfish | Turn Lanes for Highway Service Center at Exit 17 and Hwy 85 in Spearfish | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2017 | 034-451 | i4kf | Hwy 34 east of Sturgis | Pipe Replacement on Hwy 34 east of Sturgis near Hereford Rd. | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/23/2017 | 16AE-491 | i4ld | Hwy 16A near Keystone | Curb & Gutter, Drop Inlets, Bank & Channel Protection Gabions and Minor Slope Work on Hwy 16A near Keystone | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2017 | 044-452 | i4rv | Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Tree Clearing on Hwy 44 near Hwy 385 west of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2017 | 018-468 | i48k | Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Box Culvert Riprap Restoration on Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2017 | 016EB-452, 016WB-452, 090W-452, 090E-451, 385N-492, 079N-492 & 018-492 | i4qp, i4qq, i4qr, i4qt, i4qu, i4qv & i4r7 | Pennington, Lawrence & Fall River Counties | Pavement Foam Jacking on various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/16/2017 | 079-471 & 212-471 | i4pp & i4q8 | Hwy 79 & 212 in Newell | Cold Milling Asphalt Concrete and Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing of Intersection of Hwy 79 and 212 in Newell | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2017 | 018-492 & 071-492 | i4qh & i4qj | Hwy 18 and Hwy 71 | Cleanout & Repair Pipe Culverts on Hwy 18 and Hwy 71 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2017 | 079-492 | i4pn | Hwy 79 near Hermosa | PCCP Joint Repair on Hwy 79 near Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2017 | 018-492 | i4kn | Hwy 18 near Maverick Junction | Erosion Control on Hwy 18 near Maverick Junction | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
5/4/2017 | 018-492 | i4h4 | Hwy 18 in Hot Springs | Erosion Repair on Hwy 18 in Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/25/2017 | 079-472, 079-471, 073-472, 02-472, 020-471, & 085-472 | i4nt, i4nr, i4nq, i4np, i4nn & i4nm | various locations | Cleanout Pipe Culverts at various locations in Butte, Harding, Perkins & Meade Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Apparent Low Bidders
4/11/2017 | 000N-491, 000P-491, 000N-492 & 000P-492 | i4m3, i4m4, i4m5 & i4m6 | Custer County | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County SD DOT ROW | Abstract Proposal
4/6/2017 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i4nx, i4ny & i4p0 | Harding County | Control growth of declared noxious weeds in Harding County SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Proposal
4/6/2017 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i4p1 & i4p2 | Perkins County | Control growth of declared noxious weeds in Perkins County, SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Proposal
3/21/2017 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-491 | i4m3, i4m4, i4m5 & i4m6 | Custer County | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County, SD Department of Transportation right-of-way | Abstract Proposal
1/5/2017 | 090E-451 & 090W-451 | i4gk & i4gl | Tilford Rest Area | Rest Area Removal of Tilford Rest Area | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
12/29/2016 | 410D388 | i4eg | 410D388 | Wall Maintenance Yard Lighting | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
12/15/2016 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i4hj, i4hk & i4hL | varioius locations | Guardrail Repair at various locations in Rapid City Region on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
10/11/2016 | 044-452 | i44l | Hwy 44 east of Rapid City | Landslide Repair on Hwy 44 east of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
9/29/2016 | 090E-451 | i4h2 | I90 near Piedmont | PCCP Repair on I-90 near Piedmont | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/15/2016 | 090E-451 & 090W-451 | i4gk & i4gl | I90 near Tilford | Temporary Chain Link Fence - I90 near Tilford | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/15/2016 | 411D454 | i4gn | Rapid City Region DOT Yard | Nonreinforced PCC Paving - Rapid City Region DOT Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
8/30/2016 | 000N-451 | i3ah | Hwy 85 and 14A | Tree Clearing on Hwy 85 and 14A | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/23/2016 | P 0040(237)68 | 05kh | Hwy 40 - Custer County | Landslide Repair on Hwy 40 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
8/9/2016 | PS 0044(180)43 | 04cq | Mt. View in Rapid City | Rehabilitation of Railroad Crossing Surface at Mt. View in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/5/2016 | 410D388 | i4eg | Wall SD | Wall Maintenance Yard Lighting | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/21/2016 | 090E-451, 085-451, 090W-452, 090E-452, 090E-452 & 090E-452 | i4dv, i4du, i4dq, i4dr, i4e7 & i4dt | various locations | Erosion Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/21/2016 | 085-468 | i4d7 | Hwy 85 near Belle Fourche | Bridge Joint Repair on Hwy 85 near Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/21/2016 | 073-468 | i42d | Hwy 73 north of Howes | Bridge Repair on Hwy 73 north of Howes | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/21/2016 | 090E-451, 090W-451 & 014A-451 | i4dy | various locations | Install Edge Drains and Underdrain at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/9/2016 | 000N-491 | i4a3 | Hwy 16A | Asphalt Patching on Buffalo Guard Ends on Hwy 16A | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/9/2016 | 016A-492, 016A-492, 087-492 & 087-492 | i4cd, i4ce, i4cf & i4cg | various locations in Custer Area | Road Closure Gates | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/2/2016 | 020-471 | i4cw | Hwy 29 near Camp Crook | Gravel Resurfacing on Hwy 20 near Camp Crook | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/2/2016 | 212-471 | i49k | Hwy 212 near Belle Fourche | Drainage Repair on Hwy 212 near Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/2/2016 | 000N-491 | i4ct | various locations | Tree Clearing at various locations on Hwy 87 and Hwy 89 | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/2/2016 | 000P-491 & 000P-451 | i4dk & i4cr | Hwy 385 | Tree Clearing at various locations on Hwy 385 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/26/2016 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-492 | i4d3, i4d4, i4d5, i4d6 | Custer County | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County - SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal
5/26/2016 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i47j, i47k, i47l | Harding County | Control growth of declared weeds in Harding Co. - SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal
5/26/2016 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i47m & i47n | Perkins County | Control growth of declared weeds in Perkins Co. - SD DOT right-of-way | Abstract Proposal
5/26/2016 | 016EB-452, 016WB-452, 090E-452, 090W-452, 090W-451, 090E-451, 079S-452, 079N-452, 018W-492 & 016-491 | i4d8, i4d9, i4da, i4dc, i4dd, i4de, i4df, i4dg, i4 | various locations | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/26/2016 | 090W-451, 090E-451, 090E-452 & 090W-452 | i4cm, i4cn, i4dj & i4cp | various locations | Concrete Repair & Diamond Grinding at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
5/26/2016 | 016A-491 | i49e | Hwy 16A near Game Lodge | Shoulder Drainage Repair on Hwy 16A | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/19/2016 | 085-471 | i45j | Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | Sidewalk Splash Barrier on Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/19/2016 | 000I-451, 000I-452, 000I-451 & 000I-452 | i47t, i47u, i47v, i47w | I90 from Wyoming line to east of Wall | Contractor pickup of road kill animals and misc. debris on I90 | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
5/19/2016 | 000N-469, 000P-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i47x, i47y, i48a, i48c | Rapid City Region | Contractor pickup of road kill animals and misc. debris on non-interstate routes | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
5/19/2016 | 014A-451, 090W-451 & 090E-451 | i4d1, i4at & i4au | various routes | Asphalt Patching on various routes | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/17/2016 | 000P-451, 00N-451, 000P-491 & 000N-491 | i49f, i49g, i49h & i49j | various locatioins | Solar Powered Flashing Light and Warning Sign Installation at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/17/2016 | 385-191 | i44y | Hwy 385 | PCC PCC Pavement Repair on Hwy 385 near Hwy 16 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/3/2016 | 410D384 | i41y | Hermosa Maintenance Yard | Chain Link Fence at Hermosa Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/26/2016 | 018E-492 & 079N-492 | i45d & i44w | Hwy 18 and Hwy 79 | Asphalt Concrete Patching on Hwy 18 and Hwy 79 | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/26/2016 | 018-492 | i45a | Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Pipe Cleanout and Boring on Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/26/2016 | 085-471 | i44q | Hwy 85 north of Buffalo | Sinusoidal Center Line Rumble Strips on Hwy 85 north of Buffalo | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
3/29/2016 | 085N-471 & 085S-471 | i44g & i44h | Hwy 85 between Spearfish & Belle Fourche | Erosion Repair on Hwy 85 between Spearfish and Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
12/8/2015 | 044-452 | i3yy | Hwy 44 east of Rapid City | Grading and Pipe Cleanout on Hwy 44 east of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
12/8/2015 | 044WF-452 | i3y1 & i3y2 | Hwy 44 east of Rapid City | Reconstruct Service Road, AC Resurfacing, Install Speed Humps and Access Consolidation | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
11/12/2015 | P 0040(00)68 | 05m5 | Hwy 40 | Traffic Diversion on Hwy 40 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/22/2015 | 016W-452 | i42c | Hwy 16 south of Rapid City | Landslide Repair on Hwy 16 south of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/1/2015 | P 0231(00)79 | 05a5 | Hwy 231 near SD Cement Plant | Concrete Pavement Repair on Hwy 231 near SD Cement Plant | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Addendum 3
9/22/2015 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i40l, i40m, i40n | Rapid City Regionwide | Guardrail repair at various locations in Rapid City Region on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/8/2015 | 034-468, 014A-468, 085-468 & 044-468 | i41c, i41d, i41e, i41f, i41g, i41h, i41j | various route in Rapid City Region | Traffic Control at various structures in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/11/2015 | P 0ENH(220) | 04c1 | City of Sturgis | Concrete Shared Use Path in Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/9/2015 | P 0231(00)79 | 05a5 | Hwy 231 in Rapid City | Concrete Pavement Repair on Hwy 231 near Cement Plant in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/30/2015 | P SRTS(18) & P TAPR(09) | 03c2 & 04ug | Hermosa | Safe Routes to School - Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/18/2015 | 016EB-452 | i3ra | Hwy 16B near Hwy 16 | Intersection Improvements on Hwy 16B near Hwy 16 | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/11/2015 | 000I-451, 000I-452, 000I-451 & 000I-452 | i3u9, i3ua, i3uc, i3ud | I90 mp 0 - 130 | Contractor pickup of road kill animals and miscellaneous debris on I90 | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
6/11/2015 | 000N-469, 000P-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i3ue, i3uf, i3ug & i3uh | | Contractor pickup of road kill animals and miscellaneous debris on non-interstate routes | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
6/4/2015 | 000I-452 | i3wa | I90 near Wall | Lighting Repair on I90 near Wall | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/28/2015 | 090W-452, 090E-451, 014A-451 & 034-451 | i3v9, i3va, i3vc, i3vd | various locations | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2015 | 090E-451, 090E-452, 090W-452, 445-452, 044-452, 016WB-452 & 016WB-452 | i3te, i3tf, i3tg, i3th i3tj, i3tk i3tl | various locations in Meade & Pennington Counties | PCC Pavement Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2015 | 079S-452 | i3tp, i3tq, i3tr | various locations on Hwy 79 S of Rapid City | PCC Pavement Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
5/21/2015 | 044-452 | i3tt | Hwy 44 west of Johnson Siding | Guardrail Removal, Tree Clearing & Slope Flattening | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2015 | 473-451 | i0xg | Hwy 473 near Terry Peak | Erosion Repair & Guardrail | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2015 | 0009-451 | i3u7 | Ft. Meade BLM Road | Surface Preparation and Dust Control Chloride | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2015 | 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i3nr & i3nt | near Pine Ridge | Lighting Repair on US18 and SD407 near Pine Ridge | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
5/21/2015 | 000P-491, 000P-492 & 000N-491 | i3nn, i3np & i3nq | 3 locations in Custer & Fall River Counites | Lighting Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
5/12/2015 | 090E-468 | i3mv | I90 MP 37 | Bridge Repair on I90 MP 37.01 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
5/12/2015 | 385-491 | i3r5 | Hwy 385 hear Sheridan Lake | Asphalt Concrete Patching on Hwy 385 near Sheridan Lake | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/12/2015 | 0009-451 | i3ph | Otter Road in Sturgis | Asphalt Concrete Surfacing on Otter Road in Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/12/2015 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i3v6 | Perkins County | Control growth of declared noxious weeds in Perkins County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
5/12/2015 | 000P-471 | i3v4 | Harding County | Control growth of declared noxious weeds in Harding County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
5/7/2015 | 000P-491, 000N-491, 000P-492 & 000N-492 | i3un, i3up, i3uq, i3ur, i3ut, i3uu, i3uv, i3uw | Custer & Fall River | Contractor pick-up of road kill deer and small animals | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
5/7/2015 | 000N-492, 000P-492, | i3uj, i3uk, i3ul, i3um | Custer County ROW | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County right-of-way | Abstract Proposal
5/7/2015 | 040-491 & 016B-491 | i3tm & i3tn | Hwy 40 & 16B near Keystone | Sidewalk & Curb and Gutter Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/14/2015 | 231NF-452 | i3me | Hwy 231 - Black Hawk | Snow Plow Turnarounds on Hwy 231 near Black Hawk | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/9/2015 | 090E-451 | i3af | I90 - Near Spearfish | Erosion Control on I90 near Spearfish
(MP 8) | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/9/2015 | 000P-452 | i2u4 | Hwy 44 west of Rapid Citty | Tree Clearing on Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/2/2015 | 000P-451 | i3m3 | Hwy 14A near Deadwood | Guardrail Installation/Guardrail Removal on Hwy 14A near Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/2/2015 | 085-471 | i3pj | Subgrade Repair on Hwy 85 near Ludlow | Subgrade Repair on Hwy 85 near Ludlow | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
4/2/2015 | 016WB-452 & 016EB-452 | i3qr & i3qq | Hwy 16 (Elk Vale Road) | Shoulder Repair on Hwy 16 (Elk Vale Road) in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/24/2015 | 000I-451 & 000I-452 | | Sturgis and Rapid City South Maintenance Yards | Furnish Road Closure Gates | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
3/24/2015 | 090E-451, 090W-451, 090E-452, 090W-452, 016EB-452, 016WB-452 & 044E-452 | i3qw, i3qv, i3qy, i3qx, i3r0, i3r1, i3r2 | various locations in Lawrence & Pennington Counties | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/5/2015 | PH 0034(178)38 | 05ay | Hwy 34 near Glencoe/Full Throttle | Roadway Lighting on Hwy 34 near Glencoe/Full Throttle | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/5/2015 | IM 0901(00)30 | 05ck | Exit 30 I90 | Grading and Surfacing - Exit 30 Deceleration Lane Extension | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
1/15/2015 | 000I-451, 000I-452, 000P-451, 000P-452, 000N-451 | i3ak, i3al, i3am, i3an, i3ap | various location in Rapid City Area | Lighting Repair at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
1/15/2015 | 085-471 | i3nc | US 85 in Belle Fourche | Repair Luminaire Poles on US85 n Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
10/21/2014 | 085-468 | i3ln, i3lq & i3lp | Hwy 85 | Flood Repair on Hwy 85 at 3 locations | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List
10/7/2014 | 014A-451 & 085-451 | i3kw & i3lg | Hwy 14A & 85 near Deadwood | Erosion Repair on Hwy 14A & 85 | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/23/2014 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i3lr, i3lt & i3lu | Region 4 | Guardrail Maintenance at various locations in Region 4 | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/26/2014 | PS 0018(130)62 | 00qm | near Oelrichs SD | Railroad Crossing Rehabilitation on Hwy 18 near Oelrichs SD | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
7/22/2014 | 090W-451, 090E-451 & 090W-452 | I3DE, I3DG & I3DU | various locations on I90 | PCC Pavement Repair at various locations on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
7/9/2014 | 073-472 | i3kn | Hwy 73 north of Faith | Pipe Repair on Hwy 73 north of Faith | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/24/2014 | 085-471 | i3k6 | Hwy 85 north of Belle Fourche | Roadway Embankment Flood Repair on Hwy 85 north of Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/3/2014 | 4962S | i3gg | Keystone Wye | Sand Stockpile at Keystone Wye | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/3/2014 | 212-471 | i37n | Hwy 212 near Newell | Pipe Replacement on Hwy 212 near Newell | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/3/2014 | 000N-451 | i3ah | near Deadwood | Storm Debris Removal near Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/3/2014 | 016WB-452, 016EB-452, 034-451, 014A-451, 385-451, 090W-452, 090EF-452 | i3ce, i3cf, i3dw, i3dx, i3dy, i3e0 & i3e1 | various routes | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair on various routes in Lawrence, Meade & Pennington Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2014 | 000I-451 & 000I-452 | i3cl & i3cm | I90 | Pick-up of road killed animals and misc. debris on I-90 | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2014 | 000N-469, 000P-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i3cg, i3ch, i3cj & i3ck | various routes in Region 4 | Pick-up of road killed animals and misc. debris on various routes | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2014 | 410D371 | i3e4 | Bison Maintenante Yard | Asphalt Concrete Overlay - Bison Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2014 | 410D372 | i3e5 | Buffalo Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Overlay - Buffalo Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/27/2014 | 410D373 | i3e6 | Faith Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Overlay - Faith Maintenence Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2014 | 090W-451, 090E-451, 090W-452 & 085-451 | i3de, i3dg, i3du & i3dj | various routes in Rapid City Area | PCC Pavement Repair on various routes in Rapid City Area | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2014 | 071-492 | i3ft | Hwy 71 - Custer Area | Asphalt Concrete Patching on Hwy 71 | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2014 | 410D370 | i3cv | Deadwood Maintenance Shop | Chain Link Fence at Deadwood Maintenance Shop | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/13/2014 | 018-492 | i3cq | Hwy 18 near Edgemont | PCC Pavement Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/13/2014 | 090E-451, 090W-451, 016EB-452, 016WB-452 & 079S-452 | i3ga, i3gc, i3gd, i3ge & i3gf | various routes in Lawrence & Pennington Counties | Pavement Foam Jacking | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/1/2014 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-491 | i3ep, i3eq, i3er, i3et | Custer County | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County, SD DOT Right-of-Way | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/24/2014 | 090E-452 | i36m | I-90 Rapid City | Erosion Repair on I-90 through Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
4/24/2014 | 410D370 | i3cc | Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Surfacing in Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2014 | 000N-472 & 000P-472 | i3dm & i3dn | Perkins County | Control growth of declared weeds in the state right-of-way in Perkins County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2014 | 000N-471, 000P-471 & 000N-472 | i3dp, i3dq & i3dr | Harding County | Control growth of declared weeds in state right--of-way in Harding County | Abstract Proposal Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2014 | 034-451 | i39r | City of Sturgis | Camera system installation at various locations in Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/15/2014 | STRS(18) | 03c2 | Hermosa | Safe Routes to School (Sidewalk) in Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
3/25/2014 | 000P-491 | i2xd | Hill City | Cold Applied Plastic Pavement Markings on Hwy 16 in Hill City | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/18/2014 | 410D362 | i37p | Hermosa Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Surfacing - Hermosa Maintenance Yard
Hwy 79S | Abstract Proposal Plans
2/27/2014 | 410D364 | i39t | Faith Maintenance Yard | Chain Link Fence installation at Faith Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
12/10/2013 | 000P-452 | i2uh | US16B near Walmart | Advance Warning Signal on US16B near Walmart | Abstract Proposal Plans
12/10/2013 | 231NF-452 | i37d | Hwy 231 - Black Hawk area | Traffic Signal Modification on Hwy 231 at Peaceful Pines Road near Black Hawk | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/10/2013 | 410D359 | i35h | Oelrichs Maintenance Yard | Chain Link Fence at Oelrichs Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/10/2013 | 090W-452 | i36l | I90 W through Rapid City | Erosion Repair on I90 W mrm 55-62 | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/26/2013 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i37j, i37k, i37l | Region 4 | Guardrail repair at various locations on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/19/2013 | 090E-468 | i33n | I90 milepost 71.1 | Bridge Column Repair on I90 MP 71.1 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
9/19/2013 | 385-451 | i2y9 | Hwy 385 SE of Lead | Retaining Wall Repair on Hwy 385 SE of Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
8/21/2013 | IM0901(183)44 | 04nq | I90 Exit 44 | Bridge Deck Overlay, Approach Surfacing & Guardrail on I90 -Exit 44 | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/20/2013 | 000P-452 | i2u4 | Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Tree Clearing on Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/20/2013 | 000I-469 | i2wc | I190 at Anamosa St. | Install Sign on Anamosa St. Structure over
I-190S | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/25/2013 | 000P-452 | i2u4 | Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Tree Clearing on Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/6/2013 | 016A-491 | i2vf | Hwy 16A near Keystone | Sidewalk and Pedestrian Railing on Hwy 16A near Keystone | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/6/2013 | 079N-492 & 0791-492 | i2y7 | Hwy 71 near Ardmore and Hwy 79 near Buffalo Gap | Cold Mill Asphalt Concrete & Asphalt Concrete Surfacing | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/6/2013 | 079N-492, 079S-492, 016EB-452, 016WB-452, 090E-452, 090W-452 | i30r | | Microsurfacing (Shoulder Repair)on various routes | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/4/2013 | 4541S, 4561S & 4581S | i31a, i31c, i31d | Sturgis, Deadwood, Spearfish | Sand Stockpiles at Sturgis, Deadwood and Spearfish Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/4/2013 | 4951S & 4972S | i31f & i31e | Olerichs and Edgemont | Sand Stockpiles at Oelrichs and Edgemont Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/4/2013 | 240E-452 & 240W-452 | i2vg & i2vh | near Wall SD | Replace Curb and Gutter on Hwy 240 near Wall | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/4/2013 | 016WB-452 & 016EB-452 | i2wq & i2wr | Hwy 16b in Rapid City | Curb & Gutter and Drainage Structure Modification on Hwy 16B in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
5/30/2013 | 000P-452 | i2uh | Hwy 16B Truck By-Pass | Advance Warning Signal on Hwy 16B Truck By-Pass | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/30/2013 | 471-492 | i30k | Hwy 471 between Provo and Edgemont | Asphalt Concrete Patching on Hwy 471 between Provo and Edgemont | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/30/2013 | 085N-471 | i2wg | Hwy 85 between Spearfish and Belle Fourche | Erosion Repair on Hwy 85 between Spearfish and Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/30/2013 | 090E-468 | i2ut | I90 mp 53.8 | Bridge Joint Repair & Replacement on I90 mp 53.8 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/30/2013 | 385-451 & 044-452 | i30n & i30p | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair on Hwy 385 & 44 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2013 | 090W-452 | i2wf | I90 - Exit 101 | Remove & Replace Cattle Guard on I90 Exit 101 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2013 | 018-492 & 079S-492 | i2wx & i2wy | Hwy 18 near Edgemont, Hwy 79 - Hermosa south | PCC Pavement Repair on Hwy 18 near Edgemont and Hwy 79 south of Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2013 | 090E-451 | i2uk | I90 -Exit 10 | Creek Cleanout on I90 Exit 10 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/21/2013 | 471-492 | i30g | Hwy 18 nera Provo | Gravel Resurfacing on Hwy 18 near Provo | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/14/2013 | 020-471 | i2u2 | Hwy 20 near Camp Crook | Drainage Improvement on Hwy 20 near Camp Crook | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/14/2013 | 090E-451 & 090E-452 | i2w4 & i2wh | I90 -Exit 8, 57 & 67 | PCC Pavement Repair on I90 at Exits 8, 57 & 67 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
5/2/2013 | 090E-451, 090W-451, 385-491 & 016491 | i2w8, i2w9, i2xp & i2xq | various routes in Region 4 | Pavement Foam Jacking on various routes | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1
5/2/2013 | 385-491 | i2we | Hwy 385 | Asphalt Surface Treatment (Shoulders) on Hwy 385 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1
5/2/2013 | 000I-452 | i2w5 | I90 Exit 55 | Replace Tower Lighting on I90 Eixt 55 | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1
4/30/2013 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-491 | i2wt, i2wu, i2wv, i2ww | various routes | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
4/30/2013 | 000P-471, 000N-471 & 000N-472 | i2xg, i2xh, i2hj | various locations | Control growth of declared noxious weeds in Harding County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
4/30/2013 | 000P-472 & 000N-472 | i2xl, i2xk | various routes | Control growth of declared noxious weeds in Perkins County | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
4/23/2013 | NH 00034(00)35 | 02jk | Highway 34 in Sturgis | Scaling and Rock Fall Mitigation on Hwy 34 in Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1
4/5/2013 | 410D58 | i2u7 | Spearfish Maintenance Shop | Asphalt Concrete Surfacing of the Spearfish Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/28/2013 | 014A-451 | i2tv | Hwy 14A near Lead | Creek Bank Stabilization on Hwy 14A outside of Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
3/28/2013 | 018-492 | i2re | Hwy 18 in Hot Springs | Bridge Repair on Hwy 18 in Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans
1/18/2013 | SRTS(19) | 03C3 | Whitewood SD | Whitewood Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Extension
Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalk | Abstract Proposal Plans Prospective Bidders List Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Addendum 3
9/20/2012 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i2r4, i2r5, i2r6 | Regionwide | Guardrail Maintenance in Region 4 on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/28/2012 | 000P-492 | i2ju | Hwy 79 near Hot Springs | Guide Sign Upgrade | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/19/2012 | 000I-451 & 000I-452 | i2p0 & i2p1 | I-90 | Pickup of road killed animals and misc. debris on
I-90 milepost 0-130 | Abstract Proposal Addendum 1
6/5/2012 | 085-471 | i2lw | Hwy 85 | Asphalt Concrete Process In Place and Asphalt Surface Treatment (Shoulders) on Hwy 85 | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/5/2012 | 079N-492 & 079S-492 | i2m0 & i2m1 | Hwy 79 | Microsufracing (Shoulder Repair) | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/31/2012 | 036-491 | i2j2 | Hwy 36 near Hermosa | Erosion Protection on Hwy 36 near Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
5/31/2012 | 090E-451, 090W-451, 016EB-452, 079N-452 | i2k8, i2k9, i2ly & i2lx | various locations in Rapid City Region | PCC Pavement Repair and Asphalt Shoulder Resurfacing | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
5/31/2012 | 090E-451, 090W-451, 016WB-452, 016EB-452, 079N-452, 079S-452 & 085-451 | i2L4, i2L5, i2L6, i2L7, i2L8, i2L9, i2LA & i2MK | various locations in Rapid City Region | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations in Lawrence, Meade, Pennington & Custer Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
5/29/2012 | 385-492 | i2lc | Hwy 85 near Hot Springs | Asphalt Surface Treatment (Shoulders) on Hwy 385 near Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
5/29/2012 | 4931S | i2ma | Keystone Wye | Sand Stockpile at the Keystone Wye | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
5/22/2012 | 385-451 | i2fw | Hwy 385 near Nemo | Tree Clearing along Hwy 385 near Nemo SD | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/22/2012 | 090W-451 | i2fd | I90 near Sturgis | Concrete Slope Protection on I90 near Sturgis | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/17/2012 | 018-492 & 385-492 | i2je & i2jn | Hwy 18 and 385 near Hot Springs | Erosion Control on Hwy 18 and 385 near Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/17/2012 | 000N-471, 000P-471. 000N-472 & 000P-472 | i2jp, i2jq, i2jr & i2jt | Belle Fourche Area | Weed and Pest Control in Belle Fourche Area | Abstract Proposal
5/17/2012 | 090EF-452 | i2e2 | I90 Service Road | Grading and Asphalt Surfacing on I90 Service Road near Piedmont | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/8/2012 | 0009-451 | i2j6 | Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Drainage Repair in Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/8/2012 | 000N-491, 000P-491, 000N-492 & 000P-492 | | | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County, SD Department of Transportation Right-of-Way | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/5/2012 | 212-471 | i2ff | Hwy 212 near Newell | Cross Pipe Repair & Replacement on Hwy 212 near Newell | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/27/2012 | 079S-492 & 016W-491 | i2fx & i2gq | | PCC Pavement Repair on Hwy 79S and Hwy 16W | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/27/2012 | 212-471 | i2aq | Hwy 212 in Belle Fourche | Downspout and Erosion Repair on Hwy 212 in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/22/2012 | 410D321 | i2hj | Wall Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing at Wall Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/22/2012 | 410D204 | i2gw | Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Water Line Relocate at Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/22/2012 | 410D324 | i25g | Custer Maintenane Yard | Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing at Custer Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/8/2012 | 090E-452 & 090W-452 | i2fc & i2g8 | I90 Exit 55 | Erosion Repair on I-90 near Exit 55
| Abstract Proposal Plans
1/24/2012 | 410D322 | i2dv | Hwy 79 South - Rapid City | Asphalt Surfacing and Drainage Improvements at Rapid City Maintenance Yard on Hwy 79S | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
1/19/2012 | 000I-451 | I2EV | I90- Exit 17 | Snow & Ice Control for Park-N-Ride Lot and Access Road at Exit 17 on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans
1/10/2012 | 000I-451 | I2EV | I90 Exit 17 | Snow & Ice Control Services at Exit 17 (I90) Park -n-Ride Lot | Abstract Proposal Plans
12/6/2011 | 000I-451 | i2ev | | Snow & Ice Services for the park-n-ride lot at Exit 17 on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans
11/8/2011 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i2em, i2en & i2ep | various locations in Rapid City Region | Guardrail Repair at various locations in Rapid City Region on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
11/8/2011 | 000I-451 | i2ev | I90 Exit 17 | Snow & Ice Control for the park-n-ride lot and access road on I90 at Exit 17 | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/20/2011 | NH 014A(00)39 & IM 0901(00)52 | 03d0 & 03d1 | Hwy 14A west of Deadwood and I90 near Black Hawk | Sediment and Erosion Control | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
9/16/2011 | 044-452 | i2eh | Hwy 44 (Jackson Blvd) in Rapid City | Clearing and Grubbing, Fence Removal and Reset and Removal of PCC Pavement | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
9/6/2011 | 014A-451 | i24e | Hwy 14A in Deadwood | Pipe and Erosion Repair on Hwy 14A in Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
8/24/2011 | 085-451 | i2ch | Hwy 85 in Deadwood | Erosion Repair on Hwy 85 in Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
8/24/2011 | 385-451, 190N-452, 090W-451 | i2e0, i2e1, i2e3 | various locations | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair at 3 locations in Lawrence and Pennington Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
8/11/2011 | 410D323 | i25f | SD DOT Rapid City Region Office Yard | Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing at Rapid City Region Office Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/6/2011 | 000N-491, 000P-491, 000N-492, 000P-492 | i2dh, i2dj, i2dk, i2dl, i2dm, i2dn, i2dp, i2dq | Custer & Fall River Counties | Contractor pick up of road kill deer and small animals in Custer and Fall River Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/7/2011 | 085-471 | i25r | Hwy 85 north of Redig | Remove Ditch Block and Plug Pipe | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/7/2011 | 385-492 | i25s | Hwy 385 in Hot Springs | Box Culvert Railing | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/7/2011 | 212-471 | i25q | Hwy 212 south of Newell | Downspout Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/7/2011 | 079-452, 079S-452, 016-452 & 016B-452 | i29k | various locations on Hwy 16 and 79 | PCC Pavement Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/25/2011 | 34541S, 34561S & 34581S | i28d, i28f, i28e | Sturgis, Deadwood and Spearfish | Sand Stockpiles at Sturgis, Deadwood and Spearfish Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/25/2011 | 34961S | i28b | Custer | Sand Stockpile at Custer Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/25/2011 | 34941S, 34951S & 34972S | i18a, i27Z & i28c | Hot Springs, Oelrichs & Edgemont | Sand Stockpiles at Hot Springs, Oelrichs and Edgemont Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/25/2011 | 044-452 | i1qv | Hwy 44 east near Caputa | Pipe Repair on Hwy 44 east near Caputa | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/25/2011 | 090W-451, 090W-452, 190N-452, 190S-452, 090E-451, 090W-452, 034-451, 016EB-452 | i28h, i28j, i28k, i28l, i28m, i28n, i28p, i28q, i2 | various locations in Lawrence, Meade & Pennington Counties | Pavement Foam Jacking at various locations in Lawrence, Meade & Pennington Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/25/2011 | 044E-452, 044W-452, 044-452 | i24f, i24g & i23z | Hwy 44 around Rapid City | Mill & Asphalt Resurfacing adjacent to bridge approaches on Hwy 44 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/25/2011 | 075-472 | i26t | Hwy 75 near Lodgepole | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair on Hwy 75 near Lodgepole | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/27/2011 | 410D334 | i26q | Rapid City Maintenance Yard | CIP Retaining Wall Salt/Sand Divider - Rapid City Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/27/2011 | 410D335 | i26r | Sturgis Maintenance Yard | CIP Retaining Wall Salt/Sand Divider - Sturgis Maintneance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/26/2011 | 071-492 | i25e | Hwy 71 near Ardmore SD | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair on Hwy 71 near Ardmore | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/21/2011 | 000N-492, 000P-492, 000N-491 & 000P-491 | i26b, i26c, i26d, i26e | Custer County | Control growth of declared weeds in Custer County | Abstract Plans
4/12/2011 | 044-452 | I24X | Hwy 44 in Rapid City | Maintenance Patches on Hwy 44 (Jackson Blvd) in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/12/2011 | 445-452 | I24H | Hwy 445 in Rapid City | Modify Curb and Gutter on Hwy 445 (Cement Plant Road) in Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
4/12/2011 | 016A-491 | I23T | Hwy 16A Custer County | Replace Buffalo Guards at various locations on Hwy 16A | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/15/2011 | 090EF-452, 044-452, 016EB-452 & 016WB-452 | I24A, I23U, I24B & I24C | various locations | ADA Detectable Warning Repair at various locations in Meade & Pennington County | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
3/15/2011 | 410D333 | I24P | Sturgis Maintenance Yard | Building Removal - Sturgis Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/1/2011 | 044-452 | i22n | Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Backslope Repair on Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Abstract Proposal Plans
2/22/2011 | 034-451 | i23x | Hwy 34 | Bridge Deck Repair on Hwy 34 between Bear Butte and Union Center | Abstract Proposal Plans
12/7/2010 | 000I-469, 000N-469 & 000P-469 | i22j, i22k, i22l | | Guardrail repair at various sites in Region 4 on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/22/2010 | 044-452 | i20a | Hwy 44 | Drop Inlet and Sidewalk Repair on
Hwy 44 near Cleghorn Fish Hatchery | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/22/2010 | 000I-452 | i1zz | I90 near Piedmont | Relocate Maintenance Crossovers on I90 near Piedmont | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/27/2010 | 000N-491, 000P-491, 000N-492, 000P-492 | i1y8, i1y9, i1ya, i1yb, i1yc, i1yd, i1ye, i1yf | various locations in Custer & Fall River Counties | Contractor pick up and disposal of road killed deer and small animals | Abstract Plans
7/27/2010 | IM 0901(151)0 | 01MD | I-90 | Replace Interstate Fence on I90 from mrm 18.8 to 122.5 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
6/24/2010 | Deer Kill Pick-up I90 | | I-90 Wyoming line to MP 130.3 | Deer kill pickup on I90 in Rapid City Region | Abstract Plans
6/24/2010 | deer kill pickup | | various route in Rapid City Region | deer kill pick-up on various routes in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal
6/17/2010 | 079-452, 079S-452, 079-452, 090E-452, 090W-452, 014A-451, 085-451, 085-451 & 385-451 | i1va, i1vc, i1ve, i1vf, i1vg, i1vh, i1vj & i1vk | various locations in Rapid City Area | Asphalt Concrete Pavement Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/1/2010 | 016EB-452, 079N-452, 044-452, 090W-452 & 090E-451 | i1v4, i1v5, i1v6, i1v7 & i1vL | various locations - Pennington & Meade Counties | Curb & Gutter and PCC Pavement at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 4561S | i1sm | Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Haul stockpile material from Spearfish Maintenance Yard to Deadwood Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 090W-451, 090W-451, 090E-452, 090W-452, 016EB-452, 044-452 & 085S-471 | i1sw | various routes | Repair Asphalt Growth Joints at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 000P-452 | i1tj | Highway 44 near Rapid City | Remove 3 Cable Guardrail and Install High Tension Cable Guardrail on Hwy 44 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 014A-451 & 085-451 | i1r0 & i1w1 | Hwy 14A & 85 | Erosion Repair on Hwy 14A and 85 near Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 090W-451, 090W-452, 090E-452, 190N-452, 190S-452, 445-452, 016WB-452, 016EB-452, 079-452, 073-472, | i1u7 | various routes | Pavement Foam Jacking on various routes | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 079S-492, 079-492, 079-452, 079S-452, 079N-452, 016WB-452 & 016EB-452 | i1t8 | various routes | Asphalt Shoulder Joint Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 000N-491 | i1ur | Hwy 16A & 87 | Pavement Marking on
Hwy 87 amd 16A | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/27/2010 | 212-472 | i1jn | Hwy 212 - Meade Co. | Erosion Repair on Hwy 212 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/20/2010 | 4751S | i1sp | Newell Maintennace Yard | Sand Stockpile at Newell Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2010 | 4931S | i1sq | Keystone Wye Maintenance Yard | Sand Stockpile at Keystone Wye Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
5/20/2010 | 018-492 | i1rt | Hwy 18 Fall River & Shannon Counties | Pipe Cleanout at various locations on Hwy 18 milepost 61.4 to 80.1 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
5/11/2010 | 000I-452 | i1qw | I90 near Rapid City | Relocate Maintenance Crossovers on I90
mp 67 and 88 | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
4/21/2010 | 000N-451 | i1rg | Spearfish Canyon | Control growth of declared weeds in the SD DOT right-of-way in Spearfish Canyon | Abstract Proposal
4/21/2010 | 000I, 000N & 000P-451 | i1rd, i1re & i1rf | Lawrence County | Control growth of declared weed in the Lawrence County
SD DOT right-of-way (not Spearfish Canyon) | Abstract Proposal
4/6/2010 | 000P-452 | i1q8 | Hwy 44 west of Rapid City | Remove 3 Cable Guardrail and Install High Tension Cable Guardrail | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/31/2010 | 085-451 | i19r | Hwy 85 near Deadwood | Storm Sewer Outlet Repair on Hwy 85 near Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/23/2010 | 000P-452 & 000P-491 | i1qa & i1qb | Hwy 44 at 2 locations | Solar Powered Flashing Light Installation on DOT Installed Big Horn Sheep Signs | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/24/2010 | 090E-451 | I1PP | Tilford Weigh Station | Install LED Open/Closed Sign for Tilford Weigh Station | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/28/2009 | 085-471 | I1N3 | Hwy 85 - Belle Fourche | Curb & Gutter on Hwy 85 in Belle Fourche | Abstract Proposal Plans
10/22/2009 | 000I, 000N & 000P-469 | i1n0, i1n1, i1n2 | various location in Region 4 | Guardrail Repair at various locations in Region 4 on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
10/22/2009 | 016-491, 385-491, 016-491 & 079S-491 | i1mh, i1mj, i1mk & i1ml | various locations in Custer County | PCC Pavement Repair at various locations in Custer County | Abstract Proposal Plans
10/14/2009 | P 7701(03) | 02JE | Sly Hill in Sturgis | Ground Anchor Retaining Wall in Sturgis near Sly Hill | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Apparent Low Bidders
9/9/2009 | IM0901(156)0 | 01XC | | Rest Area Upgrades at Spearfish Rest Area | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/9/2009 | 410D301 | I1L1 | Lemmon Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Surfacing of the Lemmon Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/2/2009 | 040-491 | i1hb | | Traffic Signal Upgrade at intersection of US16A and SD 40 near Keystone | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/30/2009 | 018-492 | i1kg | Hwy 18 mp 42.3 | Pipe Cleanout and Boring on Hwy 18 | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/23/2009 | 090 W-468 | i1kd & i1ke | I90 Exit 34 and Exit 40 | Repair Bridge Column on I90 at Exit 34 and Exit 40 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2
7/14/2009 | 090E-452 | i1kr | I90 Exit 55 | Temporary Traffic Signal Repair on I90 Exit 55 and Deadwood Ave. | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/9/2009 | SA0720(00) | 01LM | Hwy 85 in Deadwood | Grading and PCC Paving | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
6/12/2009 | 087-491 | i0w3 | Hwy 87 milepost 71 | Retaining Wall Replacement on Hwy 87 in Custer State Park | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/12/2009 | 000I-452 | i1h7 | I90 milepost 55 | Repair Light Brackets on I90 near Exit 55 | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/12/2009 | 000I-452 | i1h8 | I90 milepost 57 | Light Tower Repair on I90 near exit 57 | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/12/2009 | 079-471 | i1k4 | hwy 79 mp 160.47 | Erosion Repair on Hwy 79 near structure 10-352-100 (Frog Creek)
mp 160.47 | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/12/2009 | 016-491 | i1jz | n/a | Furnish Electronic Traffic Equipment | Abstract Plans
6/12/2009 | 085-451 | i1f1 | Hwy 85 near Deadwood | Erosion Control on Hwy 85 near Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/11/2009 | 4741S & 4791S | i1f3 & i1f4 | Faith & Lemmon | Sand Stockpiles at Faith & Lemmon Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/11/2009 | 4571S & 4531S | i1h4 & i1h3 | Rapid City | Sand Stockpiles at Rapid City Main and Rapid City South Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/11/2009 | 4541s & 4561S | i1h6 & i1h5 | Sturgis and Deadwood | Sand Stockpiles at Sturgis and Deadwood Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/11/2009 | 4751S & 4761S | i1f6& i1f5 | Belle Fourche & Newell | Sand Stockpiles at Belle Fourche and Newell Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/11/2009 | 4941S & 4961S | i1f2 & i1h2 | Hot Springs and Custer | Sand Stockpiles at Hot Springs and Custer Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/10/2009 | IM 0902(146)12 | 01ZP | interstate 90 | Chain Link Fence & Cable Divider on I90 at various locations | Abstract Proposal Plans
6/10/2009 | IM 0901(150)0 | 01mc | interstate 90 | Chain Link Interstate Fence on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/4/2009 | P0044(00)48 | 0203 | Hwy 44 and US16B | Install Utility Pole and Electrical Service
at Hwy 44 and US16B | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/31/2009 | 410D285 | i1b0 | Oelrichs Maintenance Yard | Asphalt Concrete Resurfacing of the Oelrichs Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
1/9/2009 | NH0016(70)67 | 01W5 | Hwy 16 and St. Patrick in Rapid City | Furnish Traffic Signal Pole, Mast Arm & Luminaire Arm | Abstract Proposal Plans
12/17/2008 | 090E-468 | I1CW | I90 between Whitewood and Spearfish | Repair of Concrete Bridge Barrier on I90 between Whitewood and Spearfish | Abstract Proposal Plans
11/12/2008 | 000I-469, 000P-469 & 000N-469 | I1CQ, I1CR & I1CS | Region 4 | Guardrail repair at various locations in Region 4 on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
11/12/2008 | 000N-491, 000P-491, 000N-492 & 000P-492 | I1CE, I1CF, I1CG & I1CH | Fall River & Custer Counties | Contractor pick up of road killed animals and miscellaneous debris on state highways in Custer & Fall River Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans
10/16/2008 | 000N-491, 000P-491, 000N-492 & 000P-492 | I1CE, I1CF, I1CG & I1CH | Custer & Fall River Counties | Contractor pickup of road killed animals and miscellaneous debris on state highways in Custer & Fall River Counties | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/15/2008 | 090E-451, 090E-452, 090W-452 | I1AV, I1AW, I1AX | various locations on I90 | PCC Pavement Repair, Sidewalk Repair and Curb & Gutter Repair at various locations on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/15/2008 | 085S-471 | I1AQ | Hwy 85 south of Belle Fourche | Cross Stitching and Sealing of PCC Pavement on Hwy 85 | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/14/2008 | 411D439 | i19u | | Asphalt Concrete Reusrfacing in the Sturgis Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/18/2008 | 016EB & 016WB-452, 085S-471, 018-492 & 079S-491 | I16A, I16B, I16R, I16C & I16D | various locations in Rapid City Region | Pavement Jacking at various locations in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/15/2008 | 090E & 090W-452 | il5b & il5c | I90 milepost 114 to 122 | Grinding Asphalt Concrete Patches on I90 from mp 114 to 122 | Abstract Proposal Plans
7/15/2008 | 471-492 | IL5D | Hwy 471 in Edgemont | Driveway Drainage Repair on Hwy 471 in Edgemont (MP 28) | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/17/2008 | 090W-452 | I0ZL | I90 Exit 55 | Curb and Gutter, Grading and Erosion Control on I90 at Exit 55 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Addendum 3
5/22/2008 | IM 0901(149)0 & IM 1902(63)0 | 01MB & 01PL | I90 various locations | Chain Link Fence at various locations on I90 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
4/30/2008 | 34571S & 34531S | I10B & I0W2 | Rapid City Maintenance Yards | Sand Stockpiles in Rapid City Main and Rapid City South Maintenance Yards | Abstract Plans
4/30/2008 | 34541S & 34561S | I0W3 & I0W4 | Sturgis and Deadwood | Sand Stockpiles in Sturgis and Deadwood Maintenance Yards | Abstract Plans
4/30/2008 | 34731S | I0W1 | Buffalo | Sand Stockpile in Buffalo Maintenance Yard | Abstract Plans
4/30/2008 | 34741S | I0WZ | Faith | Sand Stockpile in Faith Maintenance Yard | Abstract Plans
4/30/2008 | 34791S | I0W0 | Lemmon | Sand Stockpile in Lemmon Maintenance Yard | Abstract Plans
4/30/2008 | 34941S & 34951S | I0Wv & I0WW | Hot Springs & Oelrichs | Sand Stockpiles in Hot Springs and Oelrichs Maintenance Yards | Abstract Plans
4/30/2008 | 34932S & 34961S | I0WY & I0WX | Keystone Wye and Custer | Sand Stockpiles at Keystone Wye and Custer Maintenance Yards | Abstract Plans
4/30/2008 | 34972S | I0ZK | Edgemont | Sand Stockpile in Edgemont Maintenace Yard | Abstract Plans
11/28/2007 | 000I, 000N & 00P-468 | I0VG | Region 4 - various locations | Guardrail Repair at various locations in Region 4 on a demand basis | Abstract Proposal Plans
11/28/2007 | P 1014(48)16 | 01FR | | Rock Fall Mitigation on Hwy 14A between Spearfish and Deadwood | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
11/20/2007 | 085-451 & 014A-451 | I0WT & I0WU | near Deadwood SD | Clean Behind Barriers, Install Downspout and Erosion Control on Hwy 85 and 14A around Deadwood SD | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
10/11/2007 | 016A-491 | I0SX | | Curb & Gutter, Drop Inlets and PCC Pavement Repair | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
9/26/2007 | 040-491 | I0UM | | Grading and Rip Rap on Hwy 40 near Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans
9/12/2007 | 085N-471 | i0sg | Hwy 85 N mp 50.1-5.5 | Install Drop Inlet, Pipe and Erosion Control on Hwy 85N 2.9 miles north of Butte/Lawrence County line | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
9/12/2007 | 085-451 | i0pn | Hwy 85 mp 29.1-32.9 | Shoulder Erosion Repair on Hwy 85 from Jct US14A east to Centennial Quarry | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
8/23/2007 | 090W-451 | i0qm | I90 MP 23.1 | Underdrain Installation on I-90 MP 23.1
near Whitewood | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/9/2007 | 090E & W-452 | i0qd | I90 Exit 67 | Pavement Repair on I90 Exit 67 | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/9/2007 | 071-492 | I0S6 | Hwy 71 - Alabaugh Fire Area | Sediment Control
on Hwy 71 - Alabaugh Fire Area | Abstract Proposal Plans
8/9/2007 | 079NF-452 | I0PU | Hwy 79 - Campbell Street Bridge | Bridge Bearing Repair on Hwy 79
(Campbell Street Bridge) | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
6/27/2007 | 085-451 | I0FQ | Hwy 85 mp 3.18 | Pipe Replacement on Hwy 85 mp 3.185 | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/30/2007 | 090E-452 & 090W-452 | I0FR & I0NX | Interstate 90 | Pavement Repair on I90 east of Wall | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/30/2007 | 000P-471 & 000N-472 | I0N8 & I0N9 | Hwy 212 & Hwy 34 | 8' SD Snow Fence on Hwy 212 and Hwy 34 in Butte & Meade COunties | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/30/2007 | 018-492 | I0N3 | Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Erosion Control Blanket, Wattles & Seeding on Hwy 18 near Hot Springs | Abstract Proposal Plans
5/9/2007 | 079-471 | I0CE | Hwy 79 mp 178.1-185.4 | Flatten Inslopes in Hwy 79 mp 178.1-185-4 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
4/10/2007 | NH 0079(00)60 | 00FM | Hwy 79 near Hermosa | Roadway Lighting on Hwy 79 near Hermosa | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/10/2007 | 073-472 | I0N7 | Hwy 73 - MP 146 to 213 | Erosion Control & Seeding on Hwy 73 | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/10/2007 | 000N-492 | I0LU | Snow Fence South of Edgemont | 8' SD Snow Fence south of Edgemont | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/10/2007 | 244-491 & 16A-491 | I0NJ & I0NK | Hwy 16A & Hwy 244 | Centerline Joint Sealing on Hwy 16A mp 57 to 59 and Hwy 244 mp 32-34 | Abstract Proposal Plans
4/10/2007 | 212-471, 085-451, 016B-452, 044-452, 090E-452, 190N-452, 079-452, 016-491 & 385-492 | I0MU, I0MV, I0MW, I0MX, I0MY, I0MZ, I0N0, I0N1, | Various Locations in Rapid City Region | Pavement Jacking at various locations in Rapid City Region | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/29/2007 | 34932S & 34961S | I0MG & I0MF | Custer & Keystone Wyre Maintenance Yards | Sand Stockpiles at Custer & Keystone Wye Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/29/2007 | 016A-491 | I0DL | Hwy 16A near Galena Hill | Ditch Reshaping and Erosion Control on Hwy 16A near Galena HIll | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/13/2007 | 4551S | I0MA | Wall | Sand Stockpile in Wall Maintenance Yard | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/13/2007 | 4541S, 4542S &4561S | I0M8, I0M9 & I0MB | Sturgis, Spearfish & Deadwood | Sand Stockpiles in Sturgis, Spearfish & Deadwood Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/13/2007 | 4571S & 4531S | I0MC & I0M7 | Rapid City | Sand Stockpiles in Rapid City Main and South Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans
3/1/2007 | 014A-451 | I0LJ | Hwy 14A near Lead | Remove and Replace Cold Pavement Markings | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/1/2007 | 34941S & 34953S | I0ME & I0MD | Hot Springs and Pine Ridge Maintenance Yards | Sand Stockpiles in Hot Springs and Pine Ridge Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/1/2007 | 085-451 | I0DJ | Hwy 85 near Lead | Erosion Repair on Hwy 85 near Lead | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
3/1/2007 | 34731S. 34751S & 34761S | I0MK, I0MJ & I0MH | Buffalo, Newell & Belle Fourche Maintenance Yards | Sand Stockpiles in Buffalo, Newell and Belle Fourche Maintenance Yards | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/14/2007 | IM 0901(110)46 | 019C | I90 | Furnish and deliver box culverts for project IM0901(110)46, | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1
2/1/2007 | 089-492 | I0L8 | Hwy 18/89 | Type 2A Cover Aggregate Stockpile
on Hwy 18 | Abstract Proposal Plans Apparent Low Bidders
2/1/2007 | 044-452 | I0FP | Hwy 44 | Remove 3 Cable Guardrail & Install High Tension Cable Guardrail on Hwy 44 | Abstract Proposal Plans Addendum 1 Addendum 2 Apparent Low Bidders
1/24/2007 | 090-451 | i0k2 | | Permanent Signing on I90 MP 17-38 | Abstract Apparent Low Bidders